7. Requests

Each module may perform some requests on other XMPP entities, and (if yes) must return RequestBuilder object to allow check status of request and receive response.

For example, suppose we want to ping XMPP server (as described in XEP-0199):

Sample ping request and response.

<!-- Client sends: -->
<iq to='tigase.net' id='ping-1' type='get'>
  <ping xmlns='urn:xmpp:ping'/>

<!-- Client receives: -->
<iq from='tigase.net' to='[email protected]' id='ping-1' type='result'/>

There is module PingModule in Halcyon to do it:

import tigase.halcyon.core.xmpp.modules.PingModule

val pingModule: PingModule = client.getModule(PingModule)
val request = pingModule.ping("tigase.net".toJID()).send()

In this case, method ping() returns RequestBuilder to allow add result handler, change default timeout and other operations. To send stanza you have to call method ‘send()’. There is also available method build() what also creates request object, but doesn’t sends it.


On JVM, methods of handler will be called from separate thread.

Most universal way to receive result in asynchronous way is add response handler to request builder:

val client = Halcyon()
val pingModule: PingModule = client.getModule(PingModule)
pingModule.ping("tigase.net".toJID()).response { result ->
    result.onSuccess { pong ->
        println("Pong: ${pong.time}ms")
    result.onFailure { error ->
        println("Error $error")