1. Starting up

1.1. Preparation of environment for development

  1. Download and install newest version of XCode

  2. Download source code of library

    It is best to download library source code from our Git repository

  3. Create workspace in XCode

  4. Add library project to newly created workspace using Add Files to "workspace_name"…​ from File menu of XCode when workspace is opened in XCode.


  5. Select TigaseSwift.xcodeproj which wil be inside root directory of source code of library and click Add


  6. Workspace for development using TigaseSwift library is ready

1.2. Creation of project using TigaseSwift library

  1. Create project in XCode

  2. Add project to TigaseSwift library workspace created during preparation of environment for development using @Add Files to “workspace_name”…​@ from @File@ menu of XCode when workspace is opened in XCode.


  3. Select XCode project file of your newly created project and click Add

    This file name will end with .xcodeproj


  4. In XCode open Build Settings tab of imported project

  5. In section Embedded Binaries click on + sign

  6. Select TigaseSwift.framework and add it to project

    It will be located in Products folder of TigaseSwift project AddTigaseSwiftAsEmbeddedFramework

  7. Your project contains embedded TigaseSwift framework