
This is default clustering strategy used by Tigase ACS - MUC component. It should be used in most cases when we do not have small number of rooms with many occupants.

Short description

This is default clustering strategy used by Tigase ACS - MUC component. In this strategy MUC rooms are partitioned so each room is hosted only on one node. Every node contains full list of rooms with list of occupants available in each room and map which contains room address as a key and node as a value. If room is already opened (hosted) on some node, then node hosting this room is resolved using map of room to node. In other case node is selected by hash of room address using following algorithm

Math.abs(roomJid.hashCode()) % connectedNodes.size()

which gives a index of node on connected nodes list. So if node is not opened, then every cluster node should forward packets related to this room to the same node.

Connection to cluster

Once node connects to a cluster then map of hosted rooms and it’s occupants is synchronized between connecting node and any other already connected node.

Disconnection from cluster

If node is disconnected from a cluster due to server failure, then every other node will send "kick" stanzas to every occupant of every room hosted on disconnected node.

If node is disconnected due to node shutdown then node which is shutting down will send "kick" stanzas on it’s own, but it will notify every node about shutdown before disconnection from cluster.


This is default strategy thus it’s used if no strategy configuration is present, but if you wish to enable this strategy and keep it enabled even if deafult clustering strategy will change in the future then you need to set class property of strategy bean within muc component to tigase.muc.cluster.ShardingStrategy.


muc () {
    strategy (class: tigase.muc.cluster.ShardingStrategy) {}