Default config - Pubsub

This section enables you to change the default pubsub node configuration for all future nodes. Note: these changes will be reset on server restart. - pubsub#node type: sets the type of node the the new node will be. Options include:

  • leaf Node that can publish and be published too.
  • collection A collection of other nodes.

    • A friendly name for the node: Allows spaces and other characters to help differentiate it from other nodes.
    • Whether to deliver payloads with event notifications: as it says, to publish events or not.
    • Notify subscribers when the configuration changes: default is false
    • Persist items to storage: whether or not to physically store items in the node.
    • Max # of items to persist: Limit how many items are kept in the node archive.
    • The collection with which the node is affiliated: If the node is to be in a collection, place that node name here.
    • Specify the subscriber model: Choose what type of subscriber model will be used for this node. Options include:
  • authorize - Requires all subscriptions to be approved by the node owner before items will be published to the user. Also only subscribers may retrieve items.
  • open - All users may subscribe and retrieve items from the node.
  • presence - Typically used in an instant message environment. Provides a system under which users who are subscribed to the owner JID’s presence with a from or both subscription may subscribe from and retrieve items from the node.
  • roster - This is also used in an instant message environments, Users who are both subscribed to the owners presence AND is placed in specific allowed groups by the roster are able to subscribe to the node and retrieve items from it.
  • whitelist - Only explicitly allowed JIDs are allowed to subscribe and retrieve items from the node, this list is set by the owner/administrator.

    • Specify the Publisher model: Choose what type of publisher model will be used for this node. Options include:
  • open - Any user may publish to this node.
  • publishers - Only users listed as publishers may be able to publish.
  • subscribers - Only subscribers may publish to this node.

    • When to send the last published item: This allows you to decide if and when the last published item to the node may be sent to newly subscribed users.
  • never - Do not send the last published item.
  • on_sub - Send the last published item when a user subscribes to the node.
  • on_sub_and_presence - Send the last published item to the user after a subscription is made, and the user is available.

    • The domains allowed to access this node: Comma separated list of domains for which users can access this node. If left blank there is no domain restriction.
    • Whether to deliver items to available users only: Items will only be published to users with available status if this is selected.
    • Whether to subscription expired when subscriber going offline: This will make all subscriptions to the node valid for a single session and will need to be re-subscribed upon reconnect.
    • The XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element: Since you want a properly formatted <body> element, you can add an XSL transformation here to address any payloads or extra elements to be properly formatted here.
    • The URL of the XSL transformation which can be applied to payloads in order to generate an appropriate message body element: This would be the URL of the XSL Transform, e.g.
    • Roster groups allowed to subscribe: a list of groups for whom users will be able to subscribe. If this is blank, no user restriction will be imposed.
    • Notify subscribers when owner changes their subscription or affiliation state: This will have the node send a message in the case of an owner changing affiliation or subscription state.
    • Allows get list of subscribers for each subscriber: Allows subscribers to produce a list of other subscribers to the node.
    • Whether to sort collection items by creation date or update time: options include
  • byCreationDate - Items will be sorted by the creation date, i.e. when the item was made.
  • byUpdateTime - Items will be sorted by the last update time, i.e. when the item was last edited/published/etc..