
Add New User

Here you can add new users to any domain handled by vHosts, users are added to database immediately and are able to login. NOTE: You cannot bestow admin status to these users in this section.

Change user password

Allows for admins to change the password of a specific user without needing to know the original password for the selected bare JID. Users currently logged in will not know password has been changed until they attempt to re-login.

Delete user

Provides a text window for admins to input the bare JID of the user they wish to remove from the server.

Get User Info

This section allows admins to get information about a specific user including current connections as well as offline and online messages awaiting delivery.

Get registered user list

Provides a list of vhosts to search and a maximum number of users to list. Once run, the script will display a list of registered bare JIDs of users from the selected vhost.

Modify User

Allows you to modify some user details including E-mail and whether it is an active user.