Discover way to connect to XMPP server

Using host-meta

You should access endpoint available at /dns-webservice/.well-known/host-meta.

To make it follow specification you should configure a redirection from the root path of your http server to above path. For example, using nginx:

location  /.well-known/ {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/dns-webservice/.well-known/;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
Query particular domain.

If we want to know connectivity options for we should send HTTP GET request to http://our-xmpp-server:8080/dns-webservice/? We will receive following response:

  domain: '',
  c2s: [
      host: '',
      ip: ['','',''],
      port: 5222,
      priority: 5
  bosh: [
  websocket: [

As you can see in here we have names and IP address of XMPP servers hosting domain as well as list of URI for establishing connections using BOSH or WebSocket.

This module is activated by default. However, if you are operating in a test environment where you may not have SRV and A records setup to the domain you are using, you may want to disable this in your config.tdsl file with the following line:

rest {
    'dns-webservice' (active: false) {}