
These statistics might be more useful as script results yield small bits of data, but you may find them useful when looking for server loads or finding user issues.

Get User Statistics

Provides a script output of user statistics including how many active sessions are in use, number of packets used, specific connections and their packet usage and location. All resources will return individual stats along with IP addresses.

Get Active User List

Provides a list of active users under the selected domain within the server. An active user is considered a user currently logged into the XMPP server.

Get list of idle users

This will list all idle users separated by vhost.

Get list of online users

This will list users separated by the vhost they are connected to. The list will include the bare JID as well as any resources for that JID.

Get number of active users

This displays the number of current active users.

Get number of idle users

This section returns the number of active users per specific vhost.

Get top active users

This will list the top number of active users by packets sent and online time. This list will only be built with users currently online and from all vhosts.