

Tigase IoT Framework is based on the newest (not yet released) version of JaXMPP Bot Framework. It will automatically download required dependecies from Maven repository.

Building Framework

Tigase IoT Framework binaries can be built with Gradle.

./gradlew build publishToMavenLocal distZip

This line will compile whole framework (including Raspberry Pi releated stuff), install it to Gradle and Maven local repositories and create simplest possible bundle of a framework with only most necessary features. This bundle will be created in a directory runtime/build/distributions/.

Additionally it will create a WAR archive with Tigase IoT Web Client in a directory client/build/libs/. File will be named iot-client-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war.


If you want want to start Tigase IoT Web Client locally without deploying it to a web server you may start it with ./gradlew gwtDev which will start it using GWT development mode.