
Tigase IoT Framework distribution package comes with startup scripts for systemd. To use them please follow this steps to install Tigase IoT Framework and systemd startup scripts.

Create user and adjust permissions

As the first step we need to create user with which permissions IoT framework will be running

sudo useradd --home-dir /home/tigase --create-home --system tigase

If you are installing Tigase IoT Framework on Raspberry PI and want to use GPIO, SPI or I2C connected devices then we need to add newly created user to proper groups

sudo usermod -a -G spi,i2c,gpio tigase

Switching working directory

For next steps we need to switch working directory to home directory of user tigase

cd /home/tigase

Download distribution package


We assume that you have wget utility installed.

We are going to change working directory to tigase user home path and download newest version of Tigase IoT Framework:

sudo -u tigase wget

Unpacking distribution package

To unpack distribution package and create symlink for easier access we are executing following commands:

sudo -u tigase unzip
sudo -u tigase ln -s tigase-iot-framework-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-b62 tigase-iot-framework


We assumed that tigase-iot-framework-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-b62 is name of the directory unpacked from

Installation of startup scripts

sudo cp -r tigase-iot-framework/etc/default/* /etc/default/
sudo cp -r tigase-iot-framework/etc/systemd/* /etc/systemd/

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Enabling Tigase IoT Framework

sudo systemctl enable tigase-iot-framework


At this point we have Tigase IoT Framework installed and configured to start after restart. From now on we can:

Start framework

sudo systemctl start tigase-iot-framework

Stop framework

sudo systemctl stop tigase-iot-framework

Check status of the framework

sudo systemctl status tigase-iot-framework