Installation of IoT-hub

The latest version of IoT hub is available by using wget:


Once downloaded, extract the files. It will automatically extract to a subfolder.

tar -xzf tigase-iot-hub-dist.tar.gz

The folder with the version of the hub will be named in the following format: tigase-iot-hub-x.x-SNAPSHOT-byy where x.x is the version, and yy is the build number. These may be important for bugs and troubleshooting.

To make things simple, and to avoid typing the version we can rename the folder using the mv command.

mv tigase-iot-hub-x.x-SNAPSHOT-byy iot-hub

Navigating inside, you will see the following file list:

certs      database  jars          logs          README   tigase
ChangeLog  etc       License.html  package.html  scripts  win-stuff