JaXMPP V3.2.0 Release Notes

Tigase JaXMPP v3.2.0 has been released! Please review the change notes below to see what has changed since our last release.

1. Changes

2. Fixes

  • #4317: fixed NPE if receiver of file transfer is not connected or disconnected in SOCKS5.

  • #4318: added checking if destination file is set when file transfer is accepted.

  • #4378: fixed exceptions occuring when a server-initiated disconnection could lead to an invalid connector state, fix issue with invalid connector state when connecting using Websocket Protocol over TCP.

  • #8104: fixing issue with parsing timestamp

  • #8033: added thread safety to ExtensionsChain implementation

  • #2654: improve DNS resolution for local addresses

  • #7793: fixing possible NPE in UnifiedRegistrationForm when value for a fiels is null

  • #7649: improving GWT code for sites hosted on HTTPS enabled servers

  • #7525: added method for retrieving error text from error stanzas

  • #6330: fixes for AdHocCommansAsyncCallback not calling onResponseReceived() if there is no data form in the response and for ElementWrapper which failed to set GwtElement value

  • #6330: added event for notification about PubSub node configuration change

  • #6212, #6232: fixing issue introduced by recent changes in sending authcid and authzid during authentication

  • #6212: improvements to SASL implementations

  • #5749: fix issue with login to jabber.org, says incorrect password, even though password is correct

  • #1590: add support for subscription pre-approval in RosterModule and RosterItem

  • #5669: removed firing ErrorEvent by connectors if exception is thrown in start() method within the same thread

  • #5624: fixed possible lock if Jaxmpp::login() method throws an exception and login(true) was called

  • #5582: fixing race condition during Jaxmpp login leading to a thread being permanently locked

  • #5584: MAM module not being called for incoming messages

  • #5588: fixed issue with messages without from causing NPE in MessegeModule

  • #5527: added support for connection using plain SSL instead of STARTTLS

  • #5529: fixed handling of see-other-host in ConnectionManager for GWT

  • #5318: added implementation for GwtElement::removeChild() method

  • #5421: fixed issue with handling PONG WebSocket frames with payload

  • #4961: fix JaXMPP problems on Android

  • #4733: fixed issue with comparision of elements with XMLNS

  • #4732: minor fix in MessageArchiveManagementModule

  • #4460: fixed issue with retrieving PubSub node configuration

  • #4728: fix minor issue with element equals() method

  • #4348: fixed issues with Jaxmpp state and reconnecting

  • #4348: changed DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT to 0 as value bigger than zero causes issues for long connections without any activity

  • #4460: improved usage of events with callbacks called after all handlers processed event

  • #4266: fixing issue with reconnection after disconnection by client

  • #4505: fix handling of badly encoded channel binding data

  • #4398: remove used JDK8 specific features which are not supported by GWT

  • #4291: ContactChangedPresenceEvent has show "online" for unavailable presence

  • #4266: fixed issue with blocking disconnection

  • #4124: fixed issue with support for see-other-host with WebSocket in GWT version

tiger looking left small

3. Design and implementation

3.1. Tigase JaXMPP

JaXMPP is an extensible XMPP client library

3.2. Design


4. Examples

4.1. A very simple client in Groovy (sending and listening for message)

import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.BareJID
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.JID
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.SessionObject
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.exceptions.JaxmppException
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.xmpp.modules.chat.Chat
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.xmpp.modules.chat.MessageModule
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.xmpp.stanzas.Message
import tigase.jaxmpp.j2se.Jaxmpp

final Jaxmpp contact = new Jaxmpp()


contact.getModulesManager().register(new MessageModule());

contact.getProperties().setUserProperty(SessionObject.USER_BARE_JID, BareJID.bareJIDInstance("admin@atlantiscity"))
contact.getProperties().setUserProperty(SessionObject.PASSWORD, "admin")

        new MessageModule.MessageReceivedHandler() {

            public void onMessageReceived(SessionObject sessionObject, Chat chat, Message stanza) {
                System.out.println("message: " + stanza.getBody());

println("Loging in...");


if (contact.isConnected()) {
    contact.getModule(MessageModule.class).sendMessage(JID.jidInstance("tigase1@atlantiscity"), "Test", "This is a test")

    Thread.sleep(1 * 10 * 1000)


4.2. A very simple client in Groovy (direct presence + presence listen)

It sends direct presence and then listens for 10 minutes for any presence changes.

import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.BareJID
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.JID
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.SessionObject
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.exceptions.JaxmppException
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.xmpp.modules.chat.MessageModule
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.xmpp.modules.presence.PresenceModule
import tigase.jaxmpp.core.client.xmpp.stanzas.Presence
import tigase.jaxmpp.j2se.Jaxmpp
import tigase.jaxmpp.j2se.connectors.socket.SocketConnector

final Jaxmpp contact = new Jaxmpp()


contact.getModulesManager().register(new MessageModule());

contact.getProperties().setUserProperty(SessionObject.USER_BARE_JID, BareJID.bareJIDInstance("admin@atlantiscity"))
contact.getProperties().setUserProperty(SessionObject.PASSWORD, "admin")

contact.getEventBus().addHandler(PresenceModule.ContactChangedPresenceHandler.ContactChangedPresenceEvent.class, new PresenceModule.ContactChangedPresenceHandler() {
    void onContactChangedPresence(SessionObject sessionObject, Presence stanza, JID jid, Presence.Show show, String status, Integer priority) throws JaxmppException {
        System.out.println("Presence received:\t" + jid + " is now " + show + " (" + status + ")");


println("Loging in...");


if (contact.isConnected()) {

    println("Sending direct presence")
    def presenceModule = contact.getModulesManager().getModule(PresenceModule.class);
    presenceModule.sentDirectPresence(JID.jidInstance("tigase2@atlantiscity/Psi+"), Presence.Show.away, "new status", 65);
    Thread.sleep(1 * 1000)

    println("Sending direct unavailable presence")
    presenceModule.sentDirectPresence(JID.jidInstance("tigase2@atlantiscity/Psi+"), Presence.Show.offline, "new status", 65);
    Thread.sleep(1 * 1000)

    println("Waiting for the presence for 10 minutes")

    Thread.sleep(10 * 60 * 1000)
