Welcome to Tigase Multi User Chat component guide

1. Overview

Tigase MUC Component is implementation of XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat which provides support for multi user chats to Tigase XMPP Server. This component also supports XEP-0313: Message Archive Management protocol for easier retrieval of MUC room chat history.

2. Announcement

2.1. Major changes

Tigase MUC component has undergone a few major changes to our code and structure. To continue to use Tigase MUC component, a few changes may be needed to be made to your systems. Please see them below:

2.1.1. Database schema changes

We decided to improve performance of MUC repository storage and to do so we needed to change database schema of MUC component. Additionally we decided to no longer use in-code database upgrade to update database schema of MUC component and rather provide separate schema files for every supported database.

To continue usage of new versions of MUC component it is required to manually load new component database schema, see Preparation of database section for informations about that.

Moreover we no longer store rooms list and configurations inside UserRepository of default Tigase XMPP Server database. Instead we use separate tables which are part of new schema. Due to that it is required to execute converter which will move room configurations from UserRepository to new tables. It needs to be executed AFTER new database schema is loaded to database.

If you used separate database to store messages history we strongly suggest to use same database for new schema and storage of rooms configurations as well. In other case message history will not be moved to new schema.

In database directory of installation package there is a muc-db-migrate utility which takes 2 parameters:

-in 'jdbc_uri_to_user_repository'

To set JDBC URI of UserRepository

-out 'jdbc_uri_to_muc_database'

To set JDBC URI of database with loaded database schema.

Both JDBC uri’s may be the same.
During this opeartion it removes room configurations from old storage.
UNIX / Linux / OSX
database/muc-db-migrate.sh -in 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/database1' -out 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/database2'
database/muc-db-migrate.cmd -in 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/database1' -out 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/database2'

2.1.2. Support for MAM

In this version we added support for XEP-0313: Message Archive Management protocol which allows any MAM compatible XMPP client with MUC support to retrieve room chat history using MAM and more advanced queries than retrieval of last X messages or messages since particular date supported by MUC

2.1.3. Disabled support for XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery

In this version we disabled by default support for XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery. This decision was made due to the fact that usage of XEP-0091 is not recommended any more and should be used only for backward compatibility. Moreover, it added overhead to each transmitted message sent from MUC room history, while the same information was already available in XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery format. For more information see Enabling support for XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery

3. Database

3.1. Preparation of database

Before you will be able to use Tigase MUC Component you need to initialize this database. We provide few schemas for this component for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer and DerbyDB.

They are placed in database/ directory of installation package and named in dbtype-mucversion.sql, where dbname in name of database type which this schema supports and version is version of a MUC component for which this schema is designed.

You need to manually select schema for correct database and component and load this schema to database. For more information about loading database schema look into [Database Preparation] section of [Tigase XMPP Server Administration Guide]

3.2. Upgrade of database schema

Database schema for our components may change between versions and if so it needs to be updated before new version may be started. To upgrade schema please follow instuctions from Preparation of database section.

If you use SNAPSHOT builds then schema may change for same version as this are versions we are still working on.

3.3. Schema description

Tigase MUC component uses few tables and stored procedures. To make it easier to find them on database level they are prefixed with tig_muc_.

3.3.1. Table tig_muc_rooms

This table stores list of rooms and configuration of rooms.

Field Description Comments


Database ID of a room


Room JID


SHA1 value of lowercased room JID

Used for proper bare JID comparison during lookup.

(Not exists in PostgreSQL schema)


Room name


Serialized room configuration


Bare JID of room creator


Room creation date


Room subject


Nick of participant who set subject


Timestamp of subject

3.3.2. Table tig_muc_room_affiliations

Table stores rooms affiliations.

Field Description Comments


ID of a room

References room_id from tig_muc_rooms


JID of affiliate


SHA1 value of lowercased affiliate JID

Used for proper bare JID comparison during lookup.

(Not exists in PostgreSQL schema)


Affiliation between room and affiliate

3.3.3. Table tig_muc_room_history

Table stores room messages history.

Field Description Comments


Room JID


SHA1 value of lowercased room JID

Used for proper bare JID comparison during lookup.

(Not exists in PostgreSQL schema)


For future use, if we decide to store other events as well.


Timestamp of a message


JID of a sender


Nickname of a message sender


Body of a message


Mark public events


Serialized message

4. Configuration

To enable Tigase MUC Component you need to add following block to etc/init.properties file:

muc () {

It will enable component and configure it under name muc. By default it will also use database configured as default data source to store data - including room configuration, affiliations and chat history.

4.1. Using separate storage

As mentioned above, by default Tigase MUC component uses default data source configured for Tigase XMPP Server. It is possible to use separate store by MUC component. To do so you need to configure new DataSource in dataSource section. Here we will use muc-store as name of newly configured data source. Additionally you need to pass name of newly configured data source to dataSourceName property of default DAO of MUC component.

dataSource {
    muc-store () {
        uri = 'jdbc:postgresql://server/muc-database'

muc () {
    muc-dao {
        default () {
            dataSourceName = 'muc-store'

It is also possible to configure separate store for particular domain, ie. muc.example.com. Here we will configure data source with name muc.example.com and use it to store data for MUC rooms hosted at muc.example.com:

dataSource {
    'muc.example.com' () {
        uri = 'jdbc:postgresql://server/example-database'

muc () {
    muc-dao {
        'muc.example.com' () {
          # we may not set dataSourceName as it matches name of domain
With this configuration room data for other domains than example.com will be stored in default data source.

4.2. Configuring default room configuration

It is possible to define value for every room option by setting it’s value to defaultRoomConfig as a property:

muc () {
    defaultRoomConfig {
        <option> = <value>

for example:

muc () {
    defaultRoomConfig {
        'tigase#presence_delivery_logic' = 'PREFERE_LAST'

4.3. Enabling and configuring MUC room logging

MUC component supports logging inforamtions about

  • joining room

  • leaving room

  • broadcasting message by room

  • setting room chat subject

to HTML, XML or plain text files.

To enable this functionality you need to modify etc/init.properties file to enable muc-logger in MUC component, like this:

muc () {
    muc-logger () {

By default files are stored in logs subdirectory of Tigase XMPP Server installation directory. You may change it by setting room-log-directory property of MUC component to path where you want to store room logs.

muc () {
    'muc-logger' () {
    'room-log-directory' = '/var/log/muc/'

We provide default logger for room events, but if you want, you may set your own custom logger. Here we set com.example.CustomLogger as logger for MUC rooms:

muc () {
    'muc-logger' (class: com.example.CustomLogger) {

4.4. Disable message filtering

MUC component by default filters messages and allows only <body/> element to be delivered to participants. To disable this filtering it is required to set message-filter-enabled property of MUC component to false.

muc () {
    'message-filter-enabled' = false

4.5. Disable presence filtering

To disable filter and allow MUC transfer all subelements in <presence/>, presence-filter-enabled property of MUC component needs to be set to false

muc () {
    'presence-filter-enabled' = false

4.6. Configuring discovering of disconnected participants

MUC component automatically discovers disconnected participants by checking if user is still connected every 5 minutes.

It is possible to increase checking frequency by setting search-ghosts-every-minute property of MUC component to true

muc () {
    'search-ghosts-every-minute' = trues

It is also possible to disable this discovery by setting ghostbuster-enabled property of MUC component to false

muc () {
    'ghostbuster-enabled' = false

4.7. Allow chat states in rooms

To allow transfer of chat-states in MUC messages set muc-allow-chat-states property of MUC component to true

muc () {
    'muc-allow-chat-states' = true

4.8. Disable locking of new rooms

To turn off default locking newly created rooms set muc-lock-new-room property of MUC component to `false’ by default new room will be locked until owner submits a new room configuration.

muc () {
    'muc-lock-new-room' = false

4.9. Disable joining with multiple resources under same nickname

To disable joining from multiple resources under single nickname set muc-multi-item-allowed property of MUC component to false

muc () {
    'muc-multi-item-allowed' = false

4.10. Enabling support for XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery

To enable support for XEP-0091 you need to set legacy-delayed-delivery-enabled property of MUC component to true

muc () {
    'legacy-delayed-delivery-enabled' = true

5. Room configuration options

In addition to the default Room configuration options defined in the MUC specification Tigase offers following as well:

Tigase MUC Options
  • tigase#presence_delivery_logic - allows configuring logic determining which presence should be used by occupant in the room while using multiple-resource connections under one nickname, following options are available:



  • tigase#presence_filtering - (boolean) when enabled broadcasts presence only to selected affiliation groups

  • tigase#presence_filtered_affiliations - when enabled tigase#presence_filtering is enabled one can select affiliation which should receive presences, following are possible to select from:

    • owner

    • admin

    • member

    • none

    • outcast

  • muc#roomconfig_maxusers - Allows configuring of maximum users of room.

Configuring default room configuration in init.properties

For more informations look into Configuring default room configuration

Configuration per-room

Per room configuration is done using IQ stanzas defined in the specification, for example:

<iq type="set" to="roomname@muc.domain" id="config1">
    <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner">
        <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
            <field type="boolean" var="tigase#presence_filtering">
            <field type="list-multi" var="tigase#presence_filtered_affiliations">