Constant Field Values



  • tigase.muc.history.AbstractJDBCHistoryProvider
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
    public static final String
    public static final String
    public static final String
  • tigase.muc.history.DerbySqlHistoryProvider
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
    "insert into muc_history (room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, public_event, msg) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    public static final String
    "delete from muc_history where room_name=?"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from muc_history where room_name=? order by timestamp desc"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from muc_history where room_name=? and timestamp >= ? order by timestamp desc"
  • tigase.muc.history.MySqlHistoryProvider
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
    "insert into muc_history (room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, public_event, msg) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    public static final String
    "delete from muc_history where room_name=?"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from (select * from muc_history where room_name=? order by timestamp desc limit ? ) AS t order by t.timestamp"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from (select * from muc_history where room_name=? and timestamp >= ? order by timestamp desc limit ? ) AS t order by t.timestamp"
  • tigase.muc.history.PostgreSqlHistoryProvider
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
    "insert into muc_history (room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, public_event, msg) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    public static final String
    "delete from muc_history where room_name=?"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from (select * from muc_history where room_name=? order by timestamp desc limit ? ) AS t order by t.timestamp"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from (select * from muc_history where room_name=? and timestamp >= ? order by timestamp desc limit ? ) AS t order by t.timestamp"
  • tigase.muc.history.SqlserverSqlHistoryProvider
    Modifier and Type
    Constant Field
    public static final String
    "insert into muc_history (room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, public_event, msg) values (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    public static final String
    "select 1 from [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[COLUMNS] where [TABLE_NAME] = \'muc_history\' and ([COLUMN_NAME] = \'body\' or [COLUMN_NAME] = \'msg\') and [DATA_TYPE] = \'TEXT\' and [TABLE_CATALOG] = DB_NAME()"
    public static final String
    "delete from muc_history where room_name=?"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from (select top (?) * from muc_history where room_name=? order by timestamp desc ) AS t order by t.timestamp"
    public static final String
    "select room_name, event_type, timestamp, sender_jid, sender_nickname, body, msg from (select top (?) * from muc_history where room_name= ? and timestamp >= ? order by timestamp desc ) AS t order by t.timestamp"