Chapter 5. Room configuration options

In addition to the default Room configuration options defined in the MUC specification Tigase offers following as well:

Tigase MUC Options
  • tigase#presence_delivery_logic - allows configuring logic determining which presence should be used by occupant in the room while using multiple-resource connections under one nickname, following options are available:

  • tigase#presence_filtering - (boolean) when enabled broadcasts presence only to selected affiliation groups
  • tigase#presence_filtered_affiliations - when enabled tigase#presence_filtering is enabled one can select affiliation which should receive presences, following are possible to select from:

    • owner
    • admin
    • member
    • none
    • outcast
  • muc#roomconfig_maxusers - Allows configuring of maximum users of room.
Configuring default room configuration in
For more informations look into the section called “Configuring default room configuration”
Configuration per-room
Per room configuration is done using IQ stanzas defined in the specification, for example:
<iq type="set" to="roomname@muc.domain" id="config1">
    <query xmlns="">
        <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
            <field type="boolean" var="tigase#presence_filtering">
            <field type="list-multi" var="tigase#presence_filtered_affiliations">