
Pubsub naming

Within Tigase, all pubsub component address MUST be domain-based address and not a JID style address. This was made to simplify communications structure. Tigase will automatically set component names to pubsub.domain, however any messages send to pubsub@domain will result in a SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE error.

Pubsub nodes within Tigase can be found as a combination of JID and node where nodes will be identified akin to service discovery. For example, to address a friendly node, use the following structure:

<iq to='pubsub.domain'>
  <query node='friendly node'/>

Configure Roster Maximum size

Administrators can configure the maximum allowable roster size per user via the config.tdsl file.

'sess-man' {
    'jabber:iqa:roster' {
        max_roster_size = '100'

This sets the roster limit to 100 entries per user. It can be set to any integer, however by default no limit is set and no configuration is set in config.tdsl file.

Store Full XML of Last Presence

Tigase can store a more detailed <unavailable/> presence stanza to include timestamps and other information.


Ensure that presence-offline plugin is enabled in config.tdsl. To do this, add be sure presence-offline is listed under sess-man

'sess-man' {
    'presence-offline' () {}

The following two lines in sess-man configure options to broadcast probes to offline users.

'sess-man' {
    'skip-offline' = 'false'
    'skip-offline-sys' = 'false'

Without these lines, Tigase will not send presence probes to users that the server knows to be offline.

The full XML presence is stored under the tig_pairs table with a pkey of last-unavailable-presence will look like this:

<presence from="" xmlns="jabber:client" type="unavailable">
<status>Logged out</status>
<delay stamp="2015-12-29T16:51:50.748Z" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/></presence>

As you can see, the plugin has added a delay stamp which indicates the last time they were seen online. This may be suppressed by using the following line in your config.tdsl file.

'sess-man' {
    'delay-stamp' = 'false'

You may also limit probe responses only to newly connected resources.

'sess-man' {
    'probe-full-jid' = 'true'

When a user logs on, they will receive the same full unavailable presence statements from contacts not logged in. Also the repository entry containing their last unavailable presence will be removed.

NOTE: This will increase traffic with users with many people on their rosters.

Using separate store

As mentioned above, by default Tigase pubsub component uses default data source configured for Tigase XMPP Server. It is possible to use separate store by pubsub component. To do so you need to configure new DataSource in dataSource section. Here we will use pubsub-store as name of newly configured data source. Additionally you need to pass name of newly configured data source to dataSourceName property of default DAO of pubsub component.

dataSource {
    pubsub-store () {
        uri = 'jdbc:postgresql://server/pubsub-database'

pubsub () {
    dao {
        default () {
            dataSourceName = 'pubsub-store'

It is also possible to configure separate store for particular domain, ie. Here we will configure data source with name and use it to store data for pubsub nodes and items at

dataSource {
    '' () {
        uri = 'jdbc:postgresql://server/example-database'

pubsub () {
    dao {
        '' () {
          # we may not set dataSourceName as it matches name of domain


With this configuration, data for other domains than will be stored in default data source.

Enabling PEP support

To enable XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol support it is required to set persistent-pep property of pubsub component to true, set send-last-published-item-on-presence property of component to true and enable pep SessionManager processor.

pubsub () {
    persistent-pep = true
    send-last-published-item-on-presence = true

sess-man () {
    pep () {


If your pubsub component uses different name than pubsub then you need to set pubsub-jid property of pep processor to JID of pubsub component make it aware of a different name of a pubsub component.

Example with pubsub component named events hosted at server named and enabled PEP. 

events () {
    persistent-pep = true
    send-last-published-item-on-presence = true
sess-man () {
    pep () {
        'pubsub-jid' = ''

Enabling REST API

To use REST API for pubsub component it is required that:

  • Tigase HTTP API component is installed and configured properly. For information about HTTP API component installation please look into HTTP component documentation.
  • Tigase pubsub REST scripts are copied to HTTP API REST scripts directory In installation package this is already done and scripts are in proper locations. dd* JID of HTTP API component needs to be added to list of trusted jids of Tigase pubsub component trusted property (if http is name of HTTP API component)
pubsub () {
    trusted = [ 'http@{clusterNode}' ];

Changing nodes cache size

By default Tigase pubsub component caches node configuration of 2000 last loaded nodes. If there are many requests to database to load node configuration and your installation contains many nodes it may be a good idea to increase number of cached nodes.

To do this you need to set pubsub-repository-cache-size property of pubsub component to new size.

pubsub () {
    pubsub-repository-cache-size = 4000

Enable sending last published item on presence

By default it is not possible to use delivery of last published item when users broadcasts initial presence. To do so you need to set send-last-published-item-on-presence of pubsub component to true. This will allow you to configure nodes to send last published item on presence.

pubsub () {
    send-last-published-item-on-presence = true

Tune handling of low memory

If there is less than 10% of free heap memory available during publication of item then Tigase pubsub component will trigger Garbage Collection and it there is still very little amount of free memory will slow down delivery of notifications for published items (waiting about 1 second before continuing).

If you have assigned a lot of memory to Tigase XMPP Server or in your case this delay is not acceptable you can adjust it by pubsub component properties:

  • setting pubsub-high-memory-usage-level to percentage of heap memory accepted as near OOM state
  • setting pubsub-low-memory-delay to number of milliseconds to wait to throttle delivery of notifications
pubsub () {
    pubsub-high-memory-usage-level = 95
    pubsub-low-memory-delay = 100

Disable automatic subscription of node creator

During creation of node pubsub component subscribes creator to pubsub node and delivers notifications to creator. If in your case you do not want this behavior, you may set auto-subscribe-node-creator property of pubsub component to false.

pubsub () {
    auto-subscribe-node-creator = false