Short Introduction.

Integration between Tigase server and LibreSource is on database level. It is implemented in the same way as integration with Drupal but with slightly more functions available.

Basically LibreSource system maintains own database with all it’s data and Tigase connects to LibreSource database to authenticate users. All users data specific to Jabber/XMPP service are kept in separate tables which can be located in the same database as LibreSource data or in different database.

Current list of features included in the integration:

  • Jabber users authentication against user data stored in LibreSource database.
  • Recording Jabber user on-line status in LibreSource database. This can be displayed on the Web page as additional user onfo.
  • Recording user last login time and this information can also be available on Web page.
  • Checking user account status. So if the user account is disabled in LibreSource system then this user will not be able to login to Jabber/XMPP service too.
  • User account creation. This feature might be useful during testing time or user data transition from old Tigase installation to LibreSource system. Please note! This feature should be normally disabled on live system. All user account management should be done from LibreSource system because of data caching.
  • User account deletion. Please note! This feature should be normally disabled on live system. All user account management should be done from LibreSource system because of data caching.

A few assumptions:

  1. LibreSource data are kept in PostgreSQL database - libresource and database user is demo.
  2. For use cases where Tigase data are stored in MySQL database name is tigase, database user is dbuser and database user password is dbpass