Updating/Saving Extra Information About the Contact

At any time, a client MAY update contact extra information on the server.

Example: Client sends contact extra information using 'set' request.

<iq type='set' id='a78b4q6ha463'>
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster-dynamic'>
<item jid='archimedes@eureka.com'>
<phone>+22 3344 556677</phone>
<note>he is a smart guy, he knows whether the crown is made from pure gold or not.</note>

Client responds to the server:

<iq type='result' id='a78b4q6ha463'/>

A client MAY update contact extra information for more than a single item in one request:

Example: Client sends contact extra information using 'set' request with many <item/> elements.

<iq type='set' id='a78b4q6ha464'>
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster-dynamic'>
<item jid='archimedes@eureka.com'>
<phone>+22 3344 556677</phone>
<note>he is a smart guy, he knows whether the crown is made from pure gold or not.</note>
<item jid='newton@eureka.com'>
<phone>+22 3344 556688</phone>
<note>He knows how heavy I am.</note>
<item jid='pascal@eureka.com'>
<phone>+22 3344 556699</phone>
<note>This guy helped me cure my sickness!</note>

Client responds to the server:

<iq type='result' id='a78b4q6ha464'/>