Installing Using Console Installer

Installation Using the text-mode Installer

When you install Tigase server on a desktop machine or a server having a graphical user interface - you can use the GUI Installer. However servers are often administered using SSH text-mode connection because of low bandwidth requirements or user preferences. Due to popular demand, the Tigase development team has decided to implement a console installer for the server.

Note! The console installer is only available for Tigase server version 4.1.5 and later.

Requirements and Important Notice

Before trying the installer please keep in mind:

  • This is first - alpha rate version of the text-mode installation - meant to install the server and do some basic configuration. We will be very happy to see bug reports and overall feedback about this feature. Please send your remarks to Artur Hefczyc or Mateusz Fiolka.
  • You will still need to perform some additional steps before running the installer. The main requirement is to download and install Java JDK v1.6 or newer. This guide is aimed at advanced users - thus downloading and configuring JDK is left to the reader. You can find more info at the Java downloads site.

Download the Installer

You can always find the newest Tigase packages in the download section. When you enter the page, you will be presented a list of files to choose from. All Tigase binary packages have conventional names, which help to differentiate them easily. They are of form tigase-server-x.y.z-bv.ext where 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'v' are version numbers and they change from a release to release. Ext is the file extension which in the case of our console installation program is .jar. We recommend you download the latest version (highest version number) of the server as it contains latest functions and improvements.

Run the jar File

In terminal (SSH or Windows cmd prompt if you use on) type:

java -jar nameOfTheDownloadedJarFile.jar -console

Installation Steps

Now you are ready to to install the server.

Some tips for working with the console installer:

  • Please remember to write down your JDK location because you will need to type it during the installation process.
  • Installer consists of number of screens which relate to different configuration aspects. Most of the panels end with a question whether you want to redisplay the panel or quit installer. When you make a mistake you will be probably asked later if you want re-enter the data again.
  • To quit the installer use standard termination key specific to your platform. For example on a Linux system it is the Ctrl+C key combination. Keep in mind that if you quit the installer after it copied some files - it may leave them in the place and you might have to remove them manually.
  • In current version the installer is of beta quality and using advanced configuration is not recommended. It might work, however it is not much tested and will be improved later.

Initial Screen

On this screen you will find server version info which will be useful if you would to suggest something to Tigase developers.

Welcome to the installation of Tigase XMPP (Jabber) Server X.Y.Z!

The homepage is at:
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

JDK Selection

Your system may contain more then one JDK installation, thus you will have to make an explicit decision which one to use. Currently console mode installer doesn’t contain any auto-detection code nor validation. You will have to enter the path correctly or you may have problems with running the server. For example on Ubuntu Linux you can find the JDK in the /lib/jvm/java-6-sun directory. For the current Tigase server JDK of version at least 1.6 is required.

The installed application needs a JDK. A java run-time
environment (JRE) will be not sufficient.

Enter path: /lib/jvm/java-6-sun

Actions Selection

Choose whether you want to configure the server in addition to install it.

*** Select what you want to do next:

On this panel you can specify whether you want to install
only or configure already installed server or to do both. If
you are just installing a server on your machine it is a
good idea to do both steps.

The wizards you want to execute
Installation of the Tigase Server
[on, off]
Configuration of the Tigase Server
[on, off]

Installer Info

Introduction to the installer.

Please note!

While the Tigase server is quite stable and well tested
application the installer itself is a new addition. Take
precautions especially if you upgrade the server from
earlier version. Backup old server files and the database.

If you notice any problems please report them to address:
Artur Hefczyc

press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Server Info

If you don’t know what exactly Tigase server is, you can find some basic introduction on this screen.

Tigase XMPP (Jabber) server ver 4.1.5-bDEV


Copyright (C) 2004 <>

Tigase Jabber/XMPP Server is
Open Source and Free  (AGPLv3)
Java based server. The goals behind the design and
implementation of the server are:

Make the server robust and reliable.
Make the server secure communication platform.
Make flexible server which can be applied to different use
Make extensible server which takes full advantage of XMPP
protocol extensibility.

--- Press ENTER to continue ---

Make the server easy to setup and maintain.

Installation, configuration and compilation

The most recent documentation on all these topics is always
available in the project website: Please
refer to the website for all the details and always up to
date guides.

You would probably want to start with Quick Start: documentation.

The website also contains lots of other useful information
like load tests results, user discussions and on-line support
and help always available to you.

This is 4.1.5-bDEV release of the server. Please include the
exact version number in all correspondence regarding the

press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Server License

This is a license that you have to agree to use Tigase server. Please read it carefully. Take note, that in this manual only part is shown in order to decrease guide length.

Please read the following license agreement carefully:

GNU General Public License - GNU Project - Free Software
Foundation (FSF)

Version 3, 29 June 2007

Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


... Fragment cut out

You should also get your employer (if you work as a
programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright
disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.  For more
information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU
GPL, see --- Press ENTER to continue ---


The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating
your program into proprietary programs.  If your program is
a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to
permit linking proprietary applications with the library.
If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.  But first, please


1. I accept the terms of this license agreement.
2. I do not accept the terms of this license agreement.
Choose number (1-2):
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Server Location Selection

Enter where you want the server to be installed. If you have administrator rights you can place it in a standard location where all your applications reside. If you don’t have write permissions for this place, you can always install the server in your home directory.

Select target path
[/home/user/tigase] /home/user/tigase-server

press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay 1

Selection of Packs to be Installed

Some packs are optional and you can disable/enable them. In the following screen they have an [x] option before them. To switch their state enter item number and ENTER. When done press d and ENTER.

Select the packs you want to install:

1 => Base, The base files
2 => Unix Files, Files needed to run the server on Unix like systems
3 => [x] Docs, The documentation
4 => [x] Extras, Extras libraries, MUC, PubSub...
5 => [x] Derby Database, Derby database and JDBC driver
6 => [x] MySQL Database, MySQL JDBC driver (MySQL has to be
installed separately)
7 => [x] PostgreSQL Database, PostgreSQL JDBC driver
(PostgreSQL has to be installed separately)
8 => [x] SQL Server Database, SQL Server JDBC driver (SQL
Server has to be installed separately)
9 => [ ] Sources, The server source files, tools and
libraries sources are not included
r => Redisplay menu
d => Done

Choose action: d
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay


During extracting and copying server files to their target you will be presented with the process progress.

[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: Base (1/9) ]
[ Processing package: Unix Files (2/9) ]
[ Processing package: Windows Files (3/9) ]
[ Processing package: Docs (4/9) ]
[ Processing package: Extras (5/9) ]
[ Processing package: Derby Database (6/9) ]
[ Processing package: MySQL Database (7/9) ]
[ Processing package: PostgreSQL Database (8/9) ]
[ Processing package: SQL Server Database (9/9) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]

Basic Configuration

This panel contains most important configuration options for the Tigase server. You can choose which components should be configured to be used when running server, add XMPP admin users and enter their password (many admins, comma separated, initially having the same password). Choose different password from the default one. Then select preferred database. If you don’t have a standalone DB which you would like to use, you can choose the included Derby DB.

Important notice: Tigase installer doesn’t contain the actual databases, only drivers allowing db access. One exception is Derby database, which is included in JDK. It is automatically configured by installer, in case of other databases you will need to configure them by yourself.

*** Basic Tigase server configuration
On this panel you can specify basic configuration settings
for the Tigase server.

Based on your selection here more configuration options
might be presented later on. After the configuration is
complete file will be created.

You can optionally restart the server at the end of the
process if you like.

0  [x] Default installation
1  [ ] Default plus extra components
2  [ ] Session Manager only
3  [ ] Network connectivity only
input selection:
Your XMPP (Jabber) domains [my-laptop]

Server administrators [admin@my-laptop]

Admin password [tigase]

0  [x] Derby (built-in database)
1  [ ] MySQL
2  [ ] PostgreSQL
3  [ ] SQLServer
4  [ ] Other...
input selection:

Advanced Configuration

Please note: in this version advanced configuration is not supported. Although it may work it has not been tested and thus is not recommended. Please enter off to not use it.

Advanced configuration options
[on, off]
press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Database Configuration

Depending on which database you selected, you will be presented with related options to configure its connectivity options. As you will see, the parameters have default values.

*** Database configuration:

You have selected MySQL database. This database needs
additional configuration parameters. Please enter all
required information.

MySQL super user account will be used only to create and
configure database for the Tigase server. It will not be
used by the Tigase server later on.

Super user account name: [root]

WARNING: password will be visible while entering
Super user password: mysecretpassword
WARNING: password will be visible while entering
Retype password: mysecretpassword

MySQL database details. It will be created automatically if
it does not exist.

Database account: [tigase]

Account password: [tigase12]

Database name: [tigasedb]

Database host or IP: [localhost]

Additional database parameters: []

press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay

Database Checking and Preparation

After entering all database information an automatic test of connection and database setup is performed. If everything is ok the installer will try to convert database schema to required version and finally adds XMPP administrators to it.

Performing DB tasks

Checking connection to the database
Connection OK
Checking if the database exists
Exists OK
Checking the database schema
New schema loaded OK
Checking whether the database needs conversion
Conversion not needed
Adding XMPP admin accounts
Added admins OK

Installation Complete

Now you can run the server and use it!

Install was successful
application installed on /home/user/tigase-server
[ Console installation done ]

Running the Sever

You can start the server using the tigase file found in the scripts sub-directory of Tigase server base directory. There, select the type of linux you have, debian, gentoo, mendriva or redhat. In the root server directory type the following command:

./scripts/{OS}/init.d/tigase start etc/tigase.conf

Where {OS} is your *nix operating system.

Of course if you have a custom config file then change last command appropriately. On a Windows platform you can use a bat file to run the server. There is a run.bat file in the Tigase root directory. Just double click it in Explorer or run it from command line to start the server. A window with server log output will pop-up.

How to Check if the Server is Running

Checking to see if the server is running is quite easy. Just connect to it by using one of mnay available XMPP clients.