Running Tigase Test Suite (TTS)

To obtain TTS, you will first need to clone the repository

git clone

Once cloning is finished, navigate to the TTS root directory and compile with maven:

mvn clean install

Maven will compile TTS and place jars in the necessary locations. From the same directory, you can begin running TTS using the following command:


You should see the following, which outlines the possible options to customize your test run

Run selected or all tests for Tigase server
Author: Artur Hefczyc <>
Version: 2.0.0
  --help|-h	This help message
  --func [mysql|pgsql|derby|mssql|mongodb]
              Run all functional tests for a single database configuration
  --lmem [mysql|pgsql|derby|mssql|mongodb]
              Run low memory tests for a single database configuration
  --perf [mysql|pgsql|derby|mssql|mongodb]
              Run all performance tests for a single database configuration
  --stab [mysql|pgsql|derby|mssql|mongodb]
              Run all stability tests for a single database
  --func-all  Run all functional tests for all database
  --lmem-all  Run low memory tests for all database
  --perf-all  Run all performance tests for all database
  --stab-all  Run all stability tests for all database
  --all-tests Run all functionality and performance tests for
              database configurations
  --single test_file.cot
  --other script_file.xmpt
  Special parameters only at the beginning of the parameters list
  --debug|-d                 Turns on debug mode
  --skip-db-relad|-no-db     Turns off reloading database
  --skip-server|-no-serv     Turns off Tigase server start
  --small-mem|-sm            Run in small memory mode
  Other possible parameters are in following order:
  [server-dir] [server-ip]