Global Configuration Settings

There are some global settings which are provided to all components and can be used by all of them. Usually they point so some shared resources which can be used by all components.

  • SHARED_USER_REPO_PROP_KEY is a configuration key for the user repository instance. This instance can be shared among components and used to store component data in database as well as access to user data. To access the use repository instance you can use the following code:
UserRepository user_repo;
user_repo = (UserRepository) properties.get(RepositoryFactory.SHARED_USER_REPO_PROP_KEY);
  • SHARED_USER_REPO_POOL_PROP_KEY is a configuration key for the user repository pool which in most cases is just an SQL database. To improve the access to the database a connection pool is created which is realized by creating many UserRepository instances connecting to the same database. To access the use repository instance you can use the following code:
UserRepository user_repo;
user_repo = (UserRepository) properties.get(RepositoryFactory.SHARED_USER_REPO_POOL_PROP_KEY);
  • SHARED_AUTH_REPO_PROP_KEY is a configuration key for the authentication repository. Components normally do not need access to this repository unless they deal with user authentication and authentication data is kept separately from the rest of the user data. To access the use repository instance you can use the following code:
AuthRepository auth_repo;
auth_repo = (AuthRepository) properties.get(RepositoryFactory.SHARED_AUTH_REPO_PROP_KEY);