Component Startup Sequence

Before we go into all the details it might be helpful to know the full component initialization sequence, how the component is brought to life and when the configuration is set. The component loading and starting sequence looks like this:

  1. Component class is loaded and a new class instance is created using public constructor with no parameters.
  2. Component setName(compName); method is called to set a name for the component. This method is (should) be called only once in the components operation.
  3. Component start(); method is called which starts all the component internal threads. This method, together with stop(); can be called many times to put the component processing on hold or restart processing. Developers should normally not be concerned about these, unless he decided to overwrite these methods.
  4. Component getDefaults(); method is called to retrieve initial settings for the component. This method is normally called only once during operation.
  5. User provided configuration is mixed with the component defaults. Settings which the user has provided overwrite existing defaults, leaving the rest unchanged.
  6. Component setProperties(); is called to set new configuration for the component. This method can be called many times at any point during the component life time.
  7. Component initializationCompleted(); method is called to notify the component that the global server initialization has been finished. This method is called only once during the server startup time, after all components have been initialized and configured. This method is mainly used by network connection managers which wait with activating socket listeners until the server is fully functional.

The important thing about all the configuration stuff is that the component does not read/ask/request configuration. The configuration is pushed to the component by the configuration manager. The setProperties() method can be called at any time and any number of times while the server is running. This design allows for the server reconfiguration during runtime. Developers should be aware of this and properly code the method to allow for the component reconfiguration at runtime.