Configuration via XMPP

We can also configure the eventbus monitor component using XMPP stanzas. This allows us to set and change configurations during server runtime. This is done using a series of iq stanzas send to the monitor component.

We can query each component for its current settings using the following stanza.

<iq type="set" to="monitor@$DOMAIN/disk-task" id="aad0a">
<command xmlns="" node="x-config"/>

The server will return the component current settings which will make things easier if you wish to edit them. In this case, the server has returned the following to us

<iq from="monitor@$DOMAIN/disk-task" type="result" id="aad0a" to="alice@coffeebean.local/Psi+">
<command xmlns="" status="executing" node="x-config" sessionid="0dad3436-a029-4082-b0e0-04d838c6c0da">
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="">
<title>Task Configuration</title>
<field type="boolean" label="Enabled" var="x-task#enabled">
<field type="text-single" label="Period [ms]" var="x-task#period">
<field type="text-single" label="Disk usage ratio threshold" var="threshold">

This tells us that the disk-task setting is not active, has a period of 60000ms, and will trigger when disk usage is over 80%.

To send new settings to the monitor component, we can send a similar stanza back to the monitor component.

<iq type="set" to="monitor@$DOMAIN/disk-task" id="aad1a">
<command xmlns="" node="x-config" sessionid="0dad3436-a029-4082-b0e0-04d838c6c0da">
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
<field type="boolean" var="x-task#enabled">
<field type="text-single" var="x-task#period">
<field type="text-single" var="threshold">

To which a successful update will give you an XMPP success stanza to let you know everything is set correctly.

(Include what the response will be from this setting!)

Alternatively, you can update specific settings by editing a single field without adding anything else. For example, if we just wanted to turn the disk-task on we could send the following stanza:

<iq type="set" to="monitor@$HOSTNAME/disk-task" id="ab53a">
<command xmlns="" node="x-config">
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
<field type="boolean" var="x-task#enabled">

To set any other values, do not forget that certain parts may need to be changed, specifically the <field type="boolean" var=x-task#enabled"> fields. - Your field type will be defined by the type of variable specified in the Available Tasks section. - var=x task# will be followed by the property value taken directly from the Available Tasks section, minus the data type parameter.