
Default value: xmpp:2500:0:disc,bin:20m:0:disc

Example: --cm-traffic-throttling = xmpp:2500:0:disc,bin:20m:0:disc

Possible values: 'comma separated list of traffic limits settings.'

Description: The --cm-traffic-throttling property allows you to limit traffic on user connections. These limits are applied to each user connection and if a limit is exceeded then a specified action is applied.

The property value is a comma separated list of traffic limits settings. For example the first part: xmpp:2500:0:disc specifies traffic limits for XMPP data to 2,500 packets allowed within last minute either sent to or received from a user and unlimited (0) total traffic on the user connection, in case any limit is exceeded the action is to disconnect the user.

  • [xmpp|bin] traffic type, xmpp - XMPP traffic, that is limits refer to a number of XMPP packets transmitted, bin - binary traffic, that is limits refer to a number of bytes transmitted.
  • 2500 maximum traffic allowed within 1 minute. 0 means unlimited, or no limits.
  • 0 maximum traffic allowed for the life span of the connection. 0 means unlimited or no limits.
  • [disc|drop] action performed on the connection if limits are exceeded. disc - means disconnect, drop - means drop data.

Available since: 5.1.3