Chapter 13. Appendix II - Properties Guide

Table of Contents

Certificate Container
User connectivity
VHost / domain
Tigase Server Extras - mDNS support
Enabling mDNS
Using different domain name
Forcing single server for domain

Tigase Team <> v8.0.0, 2019-02-28



Description: Specifies a list of administrator accounts.

Default value: the administration account created when the server is setup. Typically it would be something like admins = [''].

Example: admins = [ '', '' ]

Possible values: Comma seperated values of Bare JIDs.

Available since: 2.0.0

Certificate Container

The certificate container houses all configuration related to SSL certificate configuration. This container replaces a number of former — properties.


This option allows you to specify the location where SSL certificates are stored. The meaning of this property depends on the SSL container class implementation. By default it just points to the directory where the server SSL certificates are stored in files in PEM format.

Default location is /certs however it can be changed using the following setting:

'certificate-container' {
    'ssl-certs-location' = '/etc/vhost-certs'

This replaces the former --ssl-certs-location property.


This property allows you to specify a default alias/domain name for certificate. It is mostly used to load certificates for unknown domain names during the SSL negotiation. Unlike in TLS protocol where the domain name is known at the handshaking time, for SSL domain name is not known, therefore, the server does not know which certificate to use. Specifying a domain name in this property allows you to use a certificate for a specific domain in such case. This property value is also sometimes used if there is no certificate for one of virtual domains and the container does not automatically generate a self-signed certificate, then it can use a default one.

This may be configured as follows:

'certificate-container' {
    'ssl-def-cert-domain' = ''

This replaces the former --ssl-def-cert-domain property.


Description: Container specifying component configuration. All components if they require configuration must be called in the conf.tdsl file in the following manner:

componentName (class: value) {

DSL allows for custom naming of the component, and specifying of the class in the same line. This method replaces the old comp-class and comp-name style of configuration.

For example, what used to be

--comp-name-1 = socks5
--comp-class-1 = tigase.socks5.Socks5Component
--comp-name-2 = stun
--comp-class-2 = tigase.stun.StunComponent

is now

socks5 (class: tigase.socks5.Socks5Component) {}
stun (class: tigase.stun.StunComponent) {}

In fact, if you are using the default class & name for a component, you don’t need to specify it either, so MUC in this is now called by

socks5 () {}

Default value: By default, component configuration runs of default, and does not need to be specified.

There are many many configuration options under each component, which are specified in component documentation.


The ports property is a subclass of connections, which is used to set a ports list for a connection manager. 'list of ports' is a comma separated list of ports numbers. For example for the server to server connection manager named s2s the property would like like the example below:

s2s {
    connections {
        ports = [ 5290, 5291 ]

Each port many be individually configured underneath ports

s2s {
    connections {
        ports = [ 5290, 5291 ]
        5291 {
            type = 'accept'

this replaces the --cmpname-ports property.

Available since: 8.0.0


Description: This property sets the server type and determines what components are started up without needing to declare and configure all components. Possible values are listed below:

  • setup - This setting will setup a basic server that is prepared for initial setup after unpacking. This is set by default, and starts up http component as well as basic server components. This should be changed after the server is configured.
  • default - creates default configuration file. That is configuration which is most likely needed for a typical installation. Components included in configuration are: session manager, client-to-server connection manager and server-to-server connection manager.
  • session-manager - creates configuration for instance with session manager and external component only. This is useful for distributed installation where you want to have session manager installed on separate machine and components managing network connections on different machines (one or more). Components included in configuration are: sm and ext2s.
  • connection-managers - creates configuration for instance with components managing network connections. This is useful for distributed installation where you want to have session manager installed on separate machine and components managing network connections on different machines (one or more). Components included in configuration are: c2s, s2s, ext2s.
  • component - generating a configuration with only one component - component managing external components connection, either XEP-0114 or XEP-0225. This is used to deploy a Tigase instance as external component connecting to the main server. You have to add more components handled by this instance, usually these are MUC, PubSub or any other custom components. You have to refer to description for --comp-name and --comp-class properties to learn how to add components to the Tigase instance. You also have to configure the external component connection, domain name, password, port, etc…​ Please look for a description for --external and --bind-ext-hostnames properties.
  • ` ` - If none is setup, the server will be unable to run as no key is set for null.

Default value: 'config-type' = 'setup'

Possible values: setup|default|connection-managers|session-manager|connection-managers|component

Available since: 2.0.0


Default value: No default as Tigase does not expect custom classes out of the box.

Example: 'debug-packages' = [ '' , '' ]

Possible values: comma separated list of Java packages or classes.

Description: This property is used to turn debugging on for any package not located within the default Tigase packages. Be sure class case is correct.

Available since: 5.0.0


Description: The debug property is used to turn on the debug log for the specified Tigase package. For example if you want to turn debug logs on for the tigase.server package, then you have to use the server parameter. If you have any problems with your server the best way to get help from the Tigase team is to generate configuration with this enabled at a minimum and run the server. Then from the logs/tigase-console.log log file I can provide the best information for us to provide assistance. More details about server logging and adjusting logging level is described in the Debugging Tigase article in the admin guide. If you wish to debug packages not compiled with Tigase, use the debug-packages setting.

Default value: 'none'

Example: debug = [ 'server', 'xmpp.impl' ]

Possible values: Comma separated list of Tigase’s package names.

Available since: 2.0.0


Description: This property activates monitoring interfaces through selected protocols on selected TCP/IP port numbers. For more details please refer to the monitoring guide in the user guide for details. Each monitoring protocol should be called in it’s own child bean under monitoring (). If a protocol is not specified, monitoring under that will not be available.

Default value: By default monitoring is disabled.


monitoring () {
    http () {
        port = '9080'
    jmx () {
        port = '9050'
    snmp () {
        port = '9060'


DO NOT CONFUSE monitoring with monitor component.

Possible values: 'list of monitoring protocols with port numbers.'

Available since: 8.0.0


Description: The former --sm-plugins property has been replaced by a new style of formatting with DSL. The former long unbroken string of plusses and minuses have been replaced by a compartmentalized style. Plugins controlled under session manager will now be children of the 'sess-man' bean. For example, to turn on the personal eventing protocol, the following may be used:

'sess-man' () {
    pep ()

Should any plugin require configuration, those configurations will be under it’s own brackets. For example, this section not only turns on jabber:iq:auth but also sets the treads to 16.

'sess-man' () {
    'jabber:iq:auth' () {
        threadsNo = 16

As you may have noticed, beans or configuration options that require escape characters such as : or - will fall into single quotes to contain any special characters. If no special characters are in the bean name, then no single quotes are not required. If you need to disable certain plugins, you can do so after declaring the bean.

'sess-man' () {
    pep (active: false) {}

Typically if a bean is called, it is automatically active. Session manager plugins will typically look like a list of plugins without configurations. The example section will show what one will look like.

Default value: 'none'


'sess-man' () {
    'version' () {}
    amp () {}
    'basic-filter' () {}
    'domain-filter' () {}
    'http:' {
            '' {
                protocol {
                    commands () {}
                    stats () {}
    'jabber:iq:auth' () {
        threadsNo = 16
    'jabber:iq:privacy' () {}
    'jabber:iq:private' () {}
    'jabber:iq:register' () {}
    'jabber:iq:roster' () {}
    'message-archive-xep-0136' () {}
    msgoffline (active: false) {}
    pep () {}
    'presence-state' () {}
    'presence-subscription' () {}
    starttls () {}
    'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind' () {}
    'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' () {}
    'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session' () {}
    'urn:xmpp:ping' () {}
    'vcard-temp' () {}
    zlib () {}

Possible values: DSL format plugins list and configurations.

Available since: 8.0.0


Default value: tigase.util.PriorityQueueRelaxed

Example: 'priority-queue-implementation' = 'tigase.util.PriorityQueueStrict

Possible values: class name extending tigase.util.PriorityQueueAbstract.

Description: The priority-queue-implementation property sets Tigase’s internal queue implementation. You can choose between already available and ready to use or you can create own queue implementation and let Tigase load it instead of the default one. Currently following queue implementations are available:

  1. tigase.util.workqueue.PriorityQueueRelaxed - specialized priority queue designed to efficiently handle very high load and prevent packets loss for higher priority queues. This means that sometimes, under the system overload packets may arrive out of order in cases when they could have been dropped. Packets loss (drops) can typically happen for the lowest priority packets (presences) under a very high load.
  2. tigase.util.workqueue.PriorityQueueStrict - specialized priority queue designed to efficiently handle very high load but prefers packet loss over packet reordering. It is suitable for systems with a very high load where the packets order is the critical to proper system functioning. This means that the packets of the same priority with the same source and destination address are never reordered. Packets loss (drops) can typically happen for all packets with the same probability, depending which priority queue is overloaded.
  3. tigase.util.workqueue.NonpriorityQueue - specialized non-priority queue. All packets are stored in a single physical collection, hence they are never reordered. Packets are not prioritized, hence system critical packets may have to wait for low priority packets to be processed. This may impact the server functioning and performance in many cases. Therefore this queue type should be chosen very carefully. Packets of the same type are never reordered. Packets loss (drops) can typically happen for all packets which do not fit into the single queue.


Since the packets are processed by plugins in the SessionManager component and each plugin has own thread-pool with own queues packet reordering may happen regardless what queue type you set. The reordering may only happen, however between different packet types. That is 'message' may take over 'iq' packet or 'iq' packet may take over 'presence' packet and so on…​ This is unpredictable.

Available since: 5.1.0


Default value: RosterFlat.class.getCanonicalName()

Example: 'roster-implementation' = 'my.pack.CustomRosterImpl'

Possible values: Class extending tigase.xmpp.impl.roster.RosterAbstract.

Description: The roster-implementation property allows you to specify a different RosterAbstract implementation. This might be useful for a customized roster storage, extended roster content, or in some cases for some custom logic for certain roster elements.

Available since: 5.2.0


Default value: none


'vhost-man' {
    defaults {
        's2s-secret' = 'some-s2s-secret'

Possible values: 'ascii string.'

Description: This property is a global setting for s2s secrets to generate dialback keys on the Tigase installation. By default it is null, which means the secret is automatically generated for each s2s connection and handshake.

This is a global property which is overridden by settings for each vhost.

As in the example provided, 'defaults' settings for all virtual hosts for which the configuration is not defined. This settings is useful mostly for installations with many virtual hosts listed in the file for which there is no individual settings specified. It allows to configure a default values for all of them, instead of having to provide individual configuration for each vhost.

It is also applied as a default value for all new vhosts added at run-time.

'virtual-hosts' = [ '', '' ]

Available since: 5.2.0


Default value: scripts/admin

Example: 'scripts-dir' = ''/opt/admin-scripts'

Possible values: path to a directory on the file system.

Description: This property sets the directory where all administrator scripts for ad-hoc commands are stored.

Available since: 4.3.0


Default value:

Example: rootSslContextContainer (class: class.implementing.SSLContextContainerIFC) {}

Possible values: a class implementing

Description: The rootSslContextContainer property allows you to specify a class implementing storage for SSL/TLS certificates. The class presented in the example to this description allows for loading certificates from PEM files which is a common storage used on many systems.

Available since: 5.0.0


The stats block contains settings for statistics collection. To begin the stats block, use the following:

stats {}

Default value: 'By default, stats is not listed in the config.tdsl file'


Tigase XMPP Server can store server statistics internally for a given period of time. This allows you to connect to a running system and collect all the server metrics along with historic data which are stored on the server. This is very useful when something happens on your production system you can connect and see when exactly this happened and what other metrics looked around this time. Please be aware that Tigase XMPP Server produces about 1,000 different metrics of the system. Therefore caching large number of statistics sets requires lots of memory.


Stats-history defines the size of the history buffer. That is how many complete sets of historic metrics to store in memory.

stats {
    'stats-history-size' = '2160'


Sets the interval for which statistics will be gathered from the server.

stats {
    'stats-history-interval' = '10'


Allow enabling and configuring components responsible for storing statistic information. Note that this controls the logging system for retrieving using JMX, clients, or ad-hoc commands.

stats {
    'stats-logger' (class: value) {
        <other settings>

Currently following classes are available:

  • tigase.stats.CounterDataArchivizer - every execution put current basic server metrics (CPU usage, memory usage, number of user connections, uptime) into database (overwrites previous entry)
  • tigase.stats.CounterDataLogger - every execution insert new row with new set of number of server statistics (CPU usage, memory usage, number of user connections per connector, number of processed packets of different types, uptime, etc) into the database
  • tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger - every execution store all server statistics into separate file.

stats-logger may also be controlled using frequency, which is the time interval between executions of the archiver .execute() method in seconds.

stats {
    'stats-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataLogger) {
    	repository() {
    		'default'() {
    			'data-source' = 'default';
        frequency = '60'


This allows configuring of statistics gathering to an external file. This only has one class, and may be controlled independently from the internal statistics.

stats {
    'stats-file-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger) {
        <other settings>

stats-file-logger may also be controlled using frequency, which is the time interval between executions of the archiver .execute() method in seconds.

stats {
    'stats-file-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger) {
        frequency = '60'
file configuration

You can customize the file output for stats-file-logger using the following setting options, these are all optional.

stats {
    'stats-history-size' = '2160'
    'stats-update-interval' = '10'
    'stats-file-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger) {
        frequency = '60'
        'stats-datetime' = 'true'
        'stats-datetime-format' = 'HH:mm:ss'
        'stats-directory' = 'logs/server_statistics'
        'stats-filename' = 'stat'
        'stats-level' = 'FINEST'
        'stats-unixtime' = 'false'
  • 'stats-datetime' - Whether to include date & time timestamp.
  • 'stats-datetime-format' - Specifies the formatting of datetime timestamp.
  • 'stats-directory' - The directory to which the statistics file should be saved.
  • 'stats-filename' - The filename prefix to name the output statistics file.
  • 'stats-level' - Sets the level of statistics to be gathered.
  • 'stats-unixtime' - Control the format of the timestamp to use java DateFormat pattern.

which configures accordingly: directory to which files should be saved, filename prefix, whether to include or not unix timestamp in filename, whether to include or not datetime timestamp, control format of timestamp (using java DateFormat pattern) and also set level of the statistics we want to save (using java Logger.Level)

Database logger

This allows configuring of statistics gathering to a database. Without additional configuration default data source will be used but it’s possible to store statistics in any database - simply define new data source and configure logger with it’s name.


After enabling the component it’s database schema should be loaded by executing ./scripts/ upgrade-schema etc/tigase.conf from the main Tigase directory

stats {
    'stats-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataLogger) {
    	repository() {
    		'default'() {
    			'data-source' = 'customDataSourceName';
        frequency = '60'

Example configuration block

stats {
    'stats-history-size' = '2160'
    'stats-update-interval' = '10'
    'stats-file-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger) {
        frequency = '120'
        'stats-datetime' = 'false'
        'stats-datetime-format' = 'HH:mm:ss'
        'stats-directory' = 'logs/statistics'
        'stats-filename' = 'output'
        'stats-level' = 'WARNING'
        'stats-unixtime' = 'true'
    'stats-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataLogger) {
    	repository() {
    		'default'() {
    			'data-source' = 'default';
        frequency = '60'

Available since: 8.0.0


Description: Add stream-error-counter to comma separated processors of components for which you wish to count the number of stream errors made. Without enabling this, statistics will return 0. This setting turns on stream-error-counter for both c2s and ws2s:

c2s {
    'stream-error-counter' () {
        active = true
ws2s {
    'stream-error-counter' () {
        active = true

You may if you wish turn off stream error counters by setting active = false.

Default value: Stream error counters are not turned on by default, thus no default value is set.


<component> {
    'stream-error-counter' () {
        active = true

Available since: 7.1.0


Description: The 'stringprep-processor' property sets the stringprep processor for all JIDs handled by Tigase. The default 'simple' implementation uses regular expressions to parse and check the user JID. Although it does not fulfill the RFC-3920 requirements, it also puts much less stress on the server CPU, hence impact on the performance is very low.

Other possible values are:

'libidn' - provides full stringprep processing exactly as described in the RFC-3920. It requires lots of CPU power and significantly impacts performance.

'empty' - doesn’t do anything to JIDs. JIDs are accepted in the form they are received. No impact on the performance and doesn’t use any CPU. This is suitable for use in automated systems where JIDs are generated by some algorithm, hence there is no way incorrect JIDs may enter the system.

Default value: simple

Example: 'stringprep-processor' = 'libidn'

Possible values: simple|libidn|empty

Available since: 8.0.0


Default value: By default test mode is disabled.

Description: This property sets the server for test mode, which means that all logging is turned off, offline message storage is off, and possibly some other changes to the system configuration are being made.

The idea behind this mode is to test Tigase XMPP Server with minimal performance impact from environment such as hard drive, database and others…​

Test function has been replaced by the following setting:

logging {
    rootLevel = 'WARNING'

Available since: 8.0.0


Default value: false

Example: 'tls-jdk-nss-bug-workaround-active' = true

Possible values: true|false

Description: This is a workaround for TLS/SSL bug in new JDK7 using the native library for keys generation and connection encryption used with new version of nss library.

This caused a number of problems with Tigase installed on systems with JDK7 and the new library installed, such as hanging connections, or broken SSL/TLS. There is some information on our wiki page. Our earlier suggestion was to avoid using either JDK7 or the problematic native library. Now we have a proper fix/workaround which allows you to run Tigase with JDK7.

Note, while this setting is still supported, the issues mentioned above are fixed in v8 JDK.

Available since: 8.0.0


Default value: none

Example: trusted = [ '' , '' ]

Possible values: comma separated list of user bare JIDs.

Description: The trusted property allows users to specify a list of accounts which are considered as trusted, thus whom can perform some specific actions on the server. They can execute some commands, send a broadcast message, set MOTD and so on. The configuration is similar to admins setting.

Available since: 8.0.0