
Allow enabling and configuring components responsible for storing statistic information. Note that this controls the logging system for retrieving using JMX, clients, or ad-hoc commands.

stats {
    'stats-logger' (class: value) {
        <other settings>

Currently following classes are available:

  • tigase.stats.CounterDataArchivizer - every execution put current basic server metrics (CPU usage, memory usage, number of user connections, uptime) into database (overwrites previous entry)
  • tigase.stats.CounterDataLogger - every execution insert new row with new set of number of server statistics (CPU usage, memory usage, number of user connections per connector, number of processed packets of different types, uptime, etc) into the database
  • tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger - every execution store all server statistics into separate file.

stats-logger may also be controlled using frequency, which is the time interval between executions of the archiver .execute() method in seconds.

stats {
    'stats-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataLogger) {
    	repository() {
    		'default'() {
    			'data-source' = 'default';
        frequency = '60'