Update user roster entry

This section allows admins to edit individual users rosters, although it provides similar functionality to fix users roster, this is designed for precision editing of a user roster.

  • Roster owner JID: The BareJID of the user roster you wish to edit.
  • JID to manipulate: The specific BareJID you want to add/remove/change.
  • Comma separated groups: Groups you wish to add the JID too.
  • Operation Type: What function will be performed?

    • Add - Add the JID to manipulate to the owner JID’s roster and groups.
    • Remove - Remove the JID to manipulate from the owner JID’s roster and groups.
  • Subscription type: The type of subscription stanza that will be sent to the server, and subsequently between the two users will be employed.

    • None - Select this if neither the owner or the user to be manipulated wishes to receive presence information.
    • From - The Roster Owner will not receive presence information from the JID to manipulate, but the opposite will be true.
    • To - The JID to manipulate will not receive presence information from the Roster Owner, but the opposite will be true.
    • Both - Both JIDs will receive presence information about each other.