After the server installation or in the SVN repository you can find 2 files in the etc/ directory: jmx.access and jmx.password.

  • jmx.access is a user permission file. You can use it to specify whether the user can access the monitoring data for reading only readonly or with read-write readwrite access. There are example entries in the file already and the content may simply look like:

    monitor readonly
    admin readwrite
  • jmx.password is a user password file. You can set user passwords here and the format again is very simple and the same as for jmx.access. There are example entries already provided for you convenience. Content of the file may look like the example below:

    admin admin_pass
    monitor monitor_pass

Using above to files you can control who and how can access the JMX monitoring services.


Access to SNMP monitoring is controlled using ACL (access control lists) which can be configured in the file snmp.acl located in etc/ directory. It contains lots of detailed instructions how to setup ACL and restrict access per user, host and what kind access is allowed. The simplest possible configuration may look like this:

acl = {
    communities = public, private
    access = read-only
    managers =,
    communities = admin
    access = read-write
    managers = localhost,

You might also need Tigase MIB definition: TIGASE-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mib for the server specific statistics. The MIB contains definition for all the server statistics exposed via SNMP.


Access the server at and you will be presented with an Agent View.