Accessing other repositories

In order to have more freedom while accessing repositories it’s possible to create and use custom repository implementation which implements DataSourceAware interface.

For our example let’s assume it will be class implementing TestRepositoryIfc and our implementation will be using JDBC. To make it work, we need to define TestRepositoryIfc as a generic interface extending DataSourceAware interface. DataSourceAware interface will provide definition for methods required by Tigase XMPP Server internals to initialize custom repository classes based on TestRepositoryIfc.


public interface TestRepositoryIfc<DS extends DataSource> extends DataSourceAware<DS> {
  // Example method
  void addItem(BareJID userJid, String item) throws RepositoryException;

Next we need to prepare our actual implementation of repository - class responsible for execution of SQL statements. In this class we need to implement all of methods from our interface and method void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) which comes from DataSourceAware interface. In this method we need to initialize data source, ie. create prepared statements. We should annotate our new class with @Repository.Meta annotation which will allow Tigase XMPP Server to find this class whenever class implementing TestRepositoryIfc and with support for data source with jdbc URI.

@Repository.Meta(supportedUris = "jdbc:.*")
public static class JDBCTestRepository implements TestRepositoryIfc<DataRepository> {

  private static final String SOME_STATEMENT = "select * from tig_users";

  private DataRepository repository;

  public void setDataSource(DataRepository repository) {
    // here we need to initialize required prepared statements
    try {
      repository.initPreparedStatement(SOME_STATEMENT, SOME_STATEMENT);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize repository", ex);
    this.repository = repository;

  public void addItem(BareJID userJid, String item) throws RepositoryException {
    try {
      PreparedStatement stmt = repository.getPreparedStatement(userJid, SOME_STATEMENT);
      synchronized (stmt) {
        // do what needs to be done
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new RepositoryException(ex);

As you can see we defined type of a data source generic parameter for interface TestRepositoryIfc. With that we make sure that only instance implementing DataRepository interface will be provided and thanks to that we do not need to cast provided instance of DataSource to this interface before any access to data source.

With that in place we need to create class which will take care of adding support for multi-database setup. In our case it will be TestRepositoryMDBean, which will take care of discovery of repository class, initialization and re-injection of data source. It is required to do so, as it was just mentioned our TestRepositoryMDBean will be responsible for initialization of JDBCTestRepository (actually this will be done by MDRepositoryBean which is extended by TestRepositoryMDBean.

@Bean(name = "repository", parent = TestComponent.class, active = true)
public static class TestRepositoryMDBean extends MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics<TestRepositoryIfc>
    implements TestRepositoryIfc {

  public TestRepositoryMDBean() {

  public Class<?> getDefaultBeanClass() {
    return TestRepositoryConfigBean.class;

  public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
    // nothing to do here

  public void addItem(BareJID userJid, String item) throws RepositoryException {
    getRepository(userJid.getDomain()).addItem(userJid, item);

  protected Class<? extends TestRepositoryIfc> findClassForDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
				throws DBInitException {
    return DataSourceHelper.getDefaultClass(TestRepositoryIfc.class, dataSource.getResourceUri());

  public static class TestRepositoryConfigBean extends MDRepositoryConfigBean<TestRepositoryIfc> {

Most of this code will be the same in all implementations based on MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics. In our case only custom method is void addItem(…​) which uses getRepository(String domain) method to retrieve correct repository for a domain. This retrieval of actual repository instance for a domain will need to be done for every custom method of TestRepositoryIfc.


It is also possible to extend MDRepositoryBean or SDRepositoryBean instead of MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics. However, if you decide to extend abstract repository bean classes without withStatistics suffix, then no statistics data related to usage of this repository will be gathered. The only change, will be that you will not need to pass interface class to constructor of a superclass as it is not needed.


As mentioned above, it is also possible to extend SDRepostioryBean and SDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics. Methods which you would need to implement are the same is in case of extending MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics, however internally SDRepositoryBean will not have support for using different repository for different domain. In fact SDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics has only one repository instance and uses only one data source for all domains. The same behavior is presented by MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics if only single default instance of repository is configured. However, MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics gives better flexibility and due to that usage of SDRepositoryBean and SDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics is discouraged.

While this is more difficult to implement than in previous version, it gives you support for multi database setup and provides you with statistics of database query times which may be used for diagnosis.

As you can also see, we’ve annotated TestRepositoryMDBean with @Bean annotation which will force Tigase Kernel to load it every time TestComponent will be loaded. This way it is possible to inject instance of this class as a dependency to any bean used by this component (ie. component, module, etc.) by just creating a field and annotating it:

private TestRepositoryIfc testRepository;


In testRepository field instance of TestRepositoryMDBean will be injected.


If the class in which we intend to use our repository is deeply nested within Kernel dependencies and we want to leverage automatic schema versioning we have to implement tigase.kernel.beans.RegistrarBean in our class!


Our class TestRepositoryMDBean is annotated with @Bean which sets its name as repository and sets parent as TestComponent. Instance of this component was configured by use under name of test in Tigase XMPP Server configuration file. As a result, all configuration related to our repositories should be placed in repository section placed inside test section.


test(class: TestComponent) {
    repository () {
        // repository related configuration


As mentioned above, if we use MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics as our base class for TestRepositoryMDBean, then we may have different data sources used for different domains. By default, if we will not configure it otherwise, MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics will create only single repository instance named default. It will be used for all domains and it will, by default, use data source named the same as repository instance - it will use data source named default. This defaults are equal to following configuration entered in the config file:

test(class: TestComponent) {
    repository () {
        default () {
            dataSourceName = 'default'
Changing data source used by repository

It is possible to make any repository use different data source than data source configured under the same name as repository instance. To do so, you need to set dataSourceName property of repository instance to the name of data source which it should use.

Example setting repository default to use data source named test

test(class: TestComponent) {
    repository () {
        default () {
            dataSourceName = 'test'

Configuring separate repository for domain

To configure repository instance to be used for particular domain, you need to define repository with the same name as domain for which it should be used. It will, by default, use data source with name equal domain name.

Separate repository for using data source named

dataSource () {
    // configuration of data sources here is not complete
    default () {
        uri = "jdbc:derby:/database"
    '' () {
        uri = "jdbc:derby/example"

test(class: TestComponent) {
    repository () {
        default () {
        '' () {

Separate repository for using data source named test

dataSource () {
    // configuration of data sources here is not complete
    default () {
        uri = "jdbc:derby:/database"
    'test' () {
        uri = "jdbc:derby/example"

test(class: TestComponent) {
    repository () {
        default () {
        '' () {
            dataSourceName = 'test'


In both examples presented above, for domains other than, repository instance named default will be used and it will use data source named default.

Repository Versioning

It’s also possible to enable repository versioning capabilities when creating custom implementation. There are a couple of parts/steps to fully take advantage of this mechanism.

Each DataSource has a table tig_schema_versions which contains information about component schema version installed in the database associated with particular DataSource.

Enabling version checking in implementation

First of all, repository implementation should implement tigase.db.util.RepositoryVersionAware interface (all it’s methods are defined by default) and annotate it with tigase.db.Repository.SchemaId. For example .Repository annoted with SchemaId and implementing RepositoryVersionAware

@Repository.SchemaId(id = "test-component", name = "Test Component")
public static class TestRepositoryMDBean extends MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics<TestRepositoryIfc>
    implements TestRepositoryIfc {

This action alone will result in performing the check during Tigase XMPP Server startup and initialisation of repository whether tables, indexes, stored procedures and other elements are present in the configured data source in the required version. By default, required version matches the implementation version (obtained via call to java.lang.Package.getImplementationVersion()), however it’s possible to specify required version manually, either:

  • by utilizing tigase.db.util.RepositoryVersionAware.SchemaVersion annotation:
@Repository.SchemaId(id = "test_component", name = "Test Component")
@RepositoryVersionAware.SchemaVersion(version = "0.0.1")
public static class TestRepositoryMDBean extends MDRepositoryBeanWithStatistics<TestRepositoryIfc>
    implements TestRepositoryIfc {
  • or by overriding tigase.db.util.RepositoryVersionAware.getVersion method:
	public Version getVersion() {
		return "0.0.1";
Handling wrong version and the upgrade

To detect that version information in database is inadequate following logic will take place:

  • if there is no version information in the database the service will be stopped completely prompting to install the schema (either via update-schema or install-schema depending on user preference);
  • if there is an information about loaded component schema version in the repository and the base part of the required schema version (i.e. taking into account only major.minor.bugfix part) is different from the one present in the repository then:

    • if the required version of the component schema is final (i.e. non SNAPSHOT) the server will shutdown and print in the log file (namely logs/tigase-console.log) terminal error forcing the user to upgrade the schema;
    • if the required version of the component schema is non-final (i.e. having SNAPSHOT part) then there will be a warning printed in the log file (namely logs/tigase-console.log) prompting user to run the upgrade procedure due to possible changes in the schema but the server will not stop;

Upgrade of the loaded schema in the database will be performed by executing:

./scripts/ upgrade-schema etc/tigase.conf

The above command will load current configuration, information about all configured data sources and enabled components, and then perform upgrade of the schema of each configured component in the appropriate data source.

Depending on the type of the database (or specified annotation), how the upgrade procedure is handled internally is slightly different.

Relational databases (external handling)

For all relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, etc…) we highly recommend storing complete database schema in external files with following naming convention: <database_type>-<component_name>-<version>.sql, for example complete schema for our Test component version 0.0.5 intended for MySQL would be stored in file named mysql-test-0.0.5.sql. What’s more - schema files must be stored under database/ subdirectory in Tigase XMPP Server installation directory.


this can be controlled with external property of Repository.SchemaId annotation, which defaults to "true", if set to false then handling will be done as described in ???

For example:

  • database/mysql-test-0.0.1.sql
  • database/mysql-test-0.0.2.sql
  • database/mysql-test-0.0.3.sql
  • database/mysql-test-0.0.4.sql
  • database/mysql-test-0.0.5.sql

During the upgrade process all required schema files will be loaded in the ascending version order. Version range will depend on the conditions and will follow simple rules:

  • Start of the range will start at the next version to the one currently loaded in the database (e.g. if the current version loaded to the database is 0.0.3 and we are deploying component version 0.0.5 then SchemaLoader will try to load schema from files: database/mysql-test-0.0.4.sql and database/mysql-test-0.0.5.sql)
  • If we are trying to deploy a SNAPSTHOT version of the component then schema file matching that version will always be included in the list of files to be loaded (e.g. if we are trying to deploy a nightly build with component version 0.0.5-SNAPSHOT and currently loaded schema version in the database is 0.0.5 then SchemaLoader will include database/mysql-test-0.0.5.sql in the list of files to be loaded)

It’s also possible to skip above filtering logic and force loading all schema files for particular component/database from database/ directory by appending --forceReloadAllSchemaFiles=true parameter to the upgrade-schema/install-schema command.

Non-relational databases (internal handling)

If there is a need to handle database schema internally (for example for cases like NoSQL databases or simply there is such preference) then it’s possible to do so by setting external attribute of Repository.SchemaId annotation to false:

@Repository.SchemaId(id = "test_component", name = "Test Component", external = false)

In such case, updateSchema method from tigase.db.util.RepositoryVersionAware interface should be implemented to handle installation/updating of the schema. It takes two arguments:

  • Optional<Version> oldVersion - indicating current version of the schema loaded to the database (if it’s present)
  • Version newVersion - indicating required version (either version of component or specific version of the repository)
Setting required repository version in database

Each versioned schema file should consist at the end code responsible for setting appropriate version of the loaded schema in the form of Stored Procedure call with the name of the component and the version as parameters:

  • Postgresql
select TigSetComponentVersion('test_component', '0.0.5');
  • MsSQL Server
exec TigSetComponentVersion 'test_component', '0.0.5';
  • MySQL
call TigSetComponentVersion('test_component', '0.0.5');
  • Derby
call TigSetComponentVersion('test_component', '0.0.5');

In case of schema handled internally, after successful load (i.e. execution of the implemented tigase.db.util.RepositoryVersionAware.updateSchema method returning tigase.db.util.SchemaLoader.Result.ok) the version in the database will be set to the current version of the component.

This allows (in case of schema handled externally) to load it by hand by directly importing .sql files into database.