Startup File for - tigase.conf

Property file names for startup script is a second parameter for the startup script. It can be skipped if environmental variables are set in different location or in different way.

Config file for startup script simply sets number of environment variables with the location of required components. Possible variables to set in this file are:

Sample file to run Tigase with PostgreSQL database may look like:

ENC="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8"
JAVA_OPTIONS="${ENC} ${DRV} -server -Xms100M -Xmx100M "

Please note encoding settings. JVM by default uses encoding set in operating system environment. XMPP protocol, however uses UTF-8 for all data processing. So the ENC settings enforces UTF-8 encoding for all operations.

Another significant setting is \'CLASSPATH'. It is intentionally set to an empty string. The startup script builds the CLASSPATH on it’s own from files found in jars/ and libs/ directories. It is advised to set the CLASSPATH to the empty string because the Tigase server scans all available classes to find all components and plugins implementation. If the CLASSPATH contains lots of libraries which are not used anyway it can cause a long startup time and high system loads.