Server Monitoring

All the documentation and resources related to the Tigase server monitoring.

Setting Up Remote Monitoring in the Server

Tigase server can be remotely monitored over following protocols: JMX/RMI, SNMP and HTTP. Even though JMX offers the biggest control and visibility to the server states, all of the monitoring services give the same basic set of the server statistics:

  • Number of network connections for s2s, c2s and Bosh
  • Last second, last minute and last hour load for all main components: SM, MR, c2s, s2s, Bosh, MUC and PubSub
  • System statistics - memory usage (heap and non heap) and the server uptime in milliseconds and human readable text.
  • Users statistics - number of registered users and number of online user session.

JMX/RMI and SNMP servers offer basic security and can restrict access while the HTTP server doesn’t offer any access restriction mechanisms. Therefore HTTP monitoring is recommended to operate behind a firewall.

The monitoring itself causes very low overhead in terms of the resources and CPU consumption on top of the normal Tigase processing requirements so it can be left on without worrying about performance degradation.

NOTE This works with the Tigase server from version 4.2.0 or build 1418.

What You Need

Statistics binaries are built-in -dist-max and no extra files are needed. If you have downloaded -dist file, you will need tigase-extras[] built and included in the jars/ directory.


You can either run the Tigase installer and use the configuration wizard to activate the monitoring or edit etc/config.tdsl file and add following lines:

monitoring() {
  jmx() {
    port = 9050
  http() {
    port = 9080
  snmp() {
    port = 9060

As you see there is a separate block for each monitoring server you want to activate. Each server is responsible for activation of a different protocol and takes a single parameter - port number. There are following protocols supported right now:

  • jmx - activating monitoring via JMX/RMI
  • http - activating monitoring over HTTP protocol
  • snmp - activating monitoring over SNMP protocol

You can have all protocols active at the same time or any combination of them or none.


Both JMX and SNMP offer security protection to limit access to monitoring data. The security configuration is a bit different for both.


After the server installation or in the SVN repository you can find 2 files in the etc/ directory: jmx.access and jmx.password.

  • jmx.access is a user permission file. You can use it to specify whether the user can access the monitoring data for reading only readonly or with read-write readwrite access. There are example entries in the file already and the content may simply look like:

    monitor readonly
    admin readwrite
  • jmx.password is a user password file. You can set user passwords here and the format again is very simple and the same as for jmx.access. There are example entries already provided for you convenience. Content of the file may look like the example below:

    admin admin_pass
    monitor monitor_pass

Using above to files you can control who and how can access the JMX monitoring services.


Access to SNMP monitoring is controlled using ACL (access control lists) which can be configured in the file snmp.acl located in etc/ directory. It contains lots of detailed instructions how to setup ACL and restrict access per user, host and what kind access is allowed. The simplest possible configuration may look like this:

acl = {
    communities = public, private
    access = read-only
    managers =,
    communities = admin
    access = read-write
    managers = localhost,

You might also need Tigase MIB definition: TIGASE-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mib for the server specific statistics. The MIB contains definition for all the server statistics exposed via SNMP.


Access the server at and you will be presented with an Agent View.

Retrieving statistics from the server

By default we can retrieve server statistics using XMPP, no additional setup is necessary.

Retrieving statistics using XMPP

Accessing statistics over XMPP protocol requires any XMPP client capable of executing XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands. It’s essential to remember, that only administrator (a user whose JID is configured as administrative) can access the statistics.

Psi XMPP Client

For the purpose of this guide Psi client will be used. After successfully configuring and connecting to account with administrative privileges we need to access Service Discovery, either from application menu or from context menu of the particular account account:


In the Service Discovery window we need to find Server Statistics component:


We can either access statistics for all components or select particular component after expanding the tree. To execute ad-hoc command simply double click on the particular node which will open window with statistics:


In this window, in addition to see the statistics, we can adjust Stats level by selecting desired level from the list and confirm by clicking Finish.

Retrieving statistics using JMX

In order to access statistics over JMX we need to enable support for it in Tigase - Monitoring Activation. Afterwards we can use a number of tools to get to the statistics, for example the following:


After opening JConsole we either select local process or provide details of the remote process, including IP, port and credentials from etc/jmx.* files:


Afterwards we navigate to the MBeans tab from where we can access the tigase.stats MBean. It offers similar options to XMPP - either accessing statistics for all components or only for particular component as well as adjusting level for which we want to obtain statistics:



In order to collect statistics over period of time following groovy script can be used: StatsDumper.groovy. It’s a Simple JMX client that connects to Tigase and periodically saves all statistics to files.

It takes following parameters:

$ groovy StatsDumper.groovy [hostname] [username] [password] [dir] [port] [delay(ms)] [interval(ms)] [loadhistory(bool)]
  • hostname - address of the instance
  • username - JMX username
  • password - JMX username
  • dir - directory to which save the files with statistics
  • port - port on which to make the connection
  • delay(ms) - initial delay in milliseconds after which statistics should be saved
  • interval(ms) - interval between each retrieval/saving of statistics
  • loadhistory(bool) - indicates whether or not load statistics history from server (if such is enabled in Tigase)

Monitor Component

Tigase includes an Monitor Component to help with monitoring has been implemented. This allows you to set thresholds for certain predefined tasks and you or other JIDs can be sent a message when those thresholds are passed. You can even configure a mailer extension to have an E-mail sent to system administrators to let them know an event has occurred! Lets begin with setup and requirements.

Monitor Component is based on eventbus which in turn is based on a limited PubSub specification. Events are delivered to subscribers as a normal PubSub notification.

Each component or client may subscribe for specific types of events. Only components on cluster nodes are allowed to publish events.


Monitor Component is enabled by default on v7.1.0 b4001 and later, so no setup needed!

How it Works

Events in Eventbus are identified by two elements: name of event and its namespace:

<EventName xmlns="tigase:demo">

Where event name is EventName and namespace is tigase:demo.

Listeners may subscribe for a specific event or for all events with specific a namespace. Because in pubsub, only one node name exists, so we have to add a way to convert the event name and namespace to a node name:

nodename = eventname + "|" + namespace

So for example, to subscribe to <EventName xmlns="tigase:demo">, node must be: EventName|tigase:demo. If you wish to subscribe to all events with a specific namespace, use an asterisk (*) instead of the event name: *|tigase:demo.


If client is subscribed to *|tigase:demo node, then events will not be sent from node *|tigase:demo, but from the real node (in this case: EventName|tigase:demo).

Available Tasks

Monitor Component has several pre-defined tasks that can be monitored and set to trigger. What follows is the list of tasks with the options attributed to each task.

  • disk-task - Used to check disk usage. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. threshold - Percentage of used space on disk, Float value.
  • cpu-temp-task - Used to check CPU temperature. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. cpuTempThreshold - Temperature threshold of CPU in °C.
  • load-checker-task - Used to check system load. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. averageLoadThreshold - Average percent load threshold, Long value.
  • memory-checker-task - Used to check memory usage. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. maxHeapMemUsagePercentThreshold - Alarm when percent of used Heap memory is larger than, Integer value.
    4. maxNonHeapMemUsagePercentThreshold - Alarm when percent of used Non Heap memory is larger than, Integer value.
  • logger-task - Used to transmit log entries depending on level entered.

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. levelThreshold - Minimal log level that will be the threshold. Possible values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, and ALL.
  • connections-task - Used to check users disconnections. NOTE: The event will be generated only if both thresholds (amount and percentage) will be fulfilled.

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check in ms, Integer value.
    3. thresholdMinimal - Minimal amount of disconnected users required to generate alarm.
    4. threshold - Minimal percent of disconnected users required to generate alarm.


Configuration of the monitor can be done one of two ways; either by lines in config.tdsl file, or by sending XMPP stanzas to the server. You may also send XMPP stanzas VIA HTTP REST. XMPP stanza configurations will override ones in config.tdsl, but they will only last until the server restarts.


Tasks can be configured in the config.tdsl file. See available tasks for the tasks that can be setup.

To enable a specific monitor task, use the following line:

monitor {
    '$TASKNAME' {
        setting = value

Where monitor is the component name for MonitorComponent, and $TASKNAME is one of the available task names.

This format will be the same for other settings for tasks, and it’s best to group settings under one heading. For example:

monitor {
    'connections-task' {
        enabled = true
        period = 1000

sets the check period to 1000 milliseconds and enables connections-task.


Once triggers have been activated, they will become dormant. Think of these as one-shot settings.

Subscription Limitations

To define list of JIDs allowed to subscribe for events:

eventbus {
    affiliations {
        allowedSubscribers = 'francisco@denmark.lit,bernardo@denmark.lit'

If this is not specified, all users can subscribe.

Configuration via XMPP

We can also configure the eventbus monitor component using XMPP stanzas. This allows us to set and change configurations during server runtime. This is done using a series of iq stanzas send to the monitor component.

We can query each component for its current settings using the following stanza.

<iq type="set" to="monitor@$DOMAIN/disk-task" id="aad0a">
    <command xmlns="" node="x-config"/>

The server will return the component current settings which will make things easier if you wish to edit them. In this case, the server has returned the following to us

<iq from="monitor@$DOMAIN/disk-task" type="result" id="aad0a" to="alice@coffeebean.local/Psi+">
    <command xmlns="" status="executing" node="x-config"
        <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="">
            <title>Task Configuration</title>
            <field type="boolean" label="Enabled" var="x-task#enabled">
            <field type="text-single" label="Period [ms]" var="x-task#period">
            <field type="text-single" label="Disk usage ratio threshold" var="threshold">

This tells us that the disk-task setting is not active, has a period of 60000ms, and will trigger when disk usage is over 80%.

To send new settings to the monitor component, we can send a similar stanza back to the monitor component.

<iq type="set" to="monitor@$DOMAIN/disk-task" id="aad1a">
    <command xmlns="" node="x-config"
        <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
            <field type="boolean" var="x-task#enabled">
            <field type="text-single" var="x-task#period">
            <field type="text-single" var="threshold">

To which a successful update will give you an XMPP success stanza to let you know everything is set correctly.

Alternatively, you can update specific settings by editing a single field without adding anything else. For example, if we just wanted to turn the disk-task on we could send the following stanza:

<iq type="set" to="monitor@$HOSTNAME/disk-task" id="ab53a">
    <command xmlns="" node="x-config">
        <x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="submit">
            <field type="boolean" var="x-task#enabled">

To set any other values, do not forget that certain parts may need to be changed, specifically the <field type="boolean" var=x-task#enabled"> fields:

  • Your field type will be defined by the type of variable specified in the Available Tasks section.
  • var=x task# will be followed by the property value taken directly from the Available Tasks section.

Getting the Message

Without a place to send messages to, monitor will just trigger and shut down. There are two different methods that monitor can deliver alarm messages and relevant data; XMPP messages and using the mailer extension.

XMPP notification

In order to retrieve notifications, a subscription to the eventbus@<VHost> user must be made. Keep in mind that subscriptions are not persistent across server restarts, or triggers. The monitor schema is very similar to most XMPP subscription requests but with a few tweaks to differentiate it if you wanted to subscribe to a certain task or all of them. Each task is considered a node, and each node has the following pattern: eventName|eventXMLNS. Since each monitoring task has the tigase:monitor:event event XMLNS, we just need to pick the event name from the list of tasks. So like the above example, our event node for the disk task will be disk-task|tigase:monitor:event. Applied to an XMPP stanza, it will look something like this:

<iq type='set'
  <pubsub xmlns=''>
    <subscribe node='disk-taskEvent|tigase:monitor:event' jid='$USER_JID'/>

Don’t forget to replace $USER_JID with the bare JID of the user you want to receive those messages. You can even have them sent to a MUC or any component with a JID.

Available events are as follows:

  • DiskUsageMonitorEvent for disk-task
  • LoggerMonitorEvent for logger-task
  • HeapMemoryMonitorEvent for memory-checker-task
  • LoadAverageMonitorEvent for load-checker-task
  • CPUTempMonitorEvent for cpu-temp-task
  • UsersDisconnected for connections-task

Alternatively, you can also subscribe to all events within the eventbus by using a wildcard * in place of the event XMLNS like this example:

<iq type='set'
  <pubsub xmlns=''>
    <subscribe node='*|tigase:monitor:event' jid='$USER_JID'/>
Sample notification from Monitor
<message from='eventbus.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='foo'>
  <event xmlns=''>
    <items node='EventName|tigase:demo'>
        <EventName xmlns="tigase:demo" eventSource="samplecomponent.shakespeare.lit'" eventTimestamp="1444216850">

Mailer Extension

Tigase Server Monitor Mailer Extension (TSMME) can send messages from the monitor component to a specified E-mail address so system administrators who are not logged into the XMPP server.

For v7.1.0 versions and later, TSMME is already included in your distribution package and no extra installation is needed.


Tigase Mailer Extension may be configured via the config.tdsl file in the following manner:

monitor {
    'mailer-from-address' = 'sender@<VHost>'
    'mailer-smtp-host' = ''
    'mailer-smtp-password' = '********'
    'mailer-smtp-port' = '587'
    'mailer-smtp-username' = 'sender'
    'mailer-to-addresses' = 'receiver@<VHost>,admin@<VHost>'

Here is an explanation of those variables.

  • mailer-smtp-host - SMTP Server hostname.
  • mailer-smtp-port - SMTP Server port.
  • mailer-smtp-usernam - name of sender account.
  • mailer-smtp-password - password of sender account.
  • mailer-from-address - sender email address. It will be set in field from in email.
  • mailer-to-addresses - comma separated notification receivers email addresses.

It is recommended to create a specific e-mail address in your mail server for this purpose only, as the account settings are stored in plaintext without encryption.

Configuration of statistics loggers

It is possible to enable and configure automatic storage of statistics information. To do that you need to configure any of following statistics loggers as a StatisticsCollector component sub-beans:

every execution put current basic server metrics (CPU usage, memory usage, number of user connections, uptime) into database (overwrites previous entry).
every execution insert new row with new set of number of server statistics (CPU usage, memory usage, number of user connections per connector, number of processed packets of different types, uptime, etc) into the database.
every execution store all server statistics into separate file.

As an example to configure tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger to archive statistics data with level FINE every 60 seconds to file prefixed with stat and located in logs/server_statistics following entry is needed:

stats() {
    'stats-file-logger' (class: tigase.stats.CounterDataFileLogger) {
        'stats-directory' = 'logs/server_statistics'
        'stats-filename' = 'stat'
        'stats-unixtime' = false
        'stats-datetime' = true
        'stats-datetime-format' = 'HH:mm:ss'
        'stats-level' = 'FINEST'