

This is the most important log file containing the most essential information related to operation of the Tigase XMPP Server. Any errors or exceptions in this file indicate with high probability serious issues with server operation.

This file contains information related to Tigase’s running environment, and is a dump from the server itself on what is being loaded, when, and if any issues are encountered. It will start by loading Java classes (consequently making sure the Java environment is present and functioning). Then it will begin loading the configuration file, and adding default values to settings that have not been customized. You can then see all the components being loaded, and settings added where default values are needed. Lastly you will see a log of any plugins that are loaded, and any parameters therein. You may see tags such as INFO or WARNING in the logs. Although they may contain important information, the program will continue to operate as normal are not of too great concern.

ERROR flags are issues you will want to pay attention as they may list problems that prevent Tigase or components from properly functioning.


Windows does not create this file, rather the output is shown in the command line and is not dumped to a file.

If Tigase is gracefully shut down, tigase-console.log will add statistics from the server’s operation life in the following format.

component/statistic = value

Any component that may have a statistic, whether used or not, will place a value here

This file can be handy if you are tracking issues in the server.

tigase-console.log is appended during each run session of the server.