
Below is an example configuration for STUN component. Note that the 2 stun-primary and 2 stun-secondary settings are required, where external settings are not.

stun (class: tigase.stun.StunComponent) {
    'stun-primary-ip' = ''
    'stun-primary-port' = 3478
    'stun-secondary-ip' = ''
    'stun-secondary-port' = 7001
    'stun-primary-external-ip' = ''
    'stun-primary-external-port' = 3479
    'stun-secondary-external-ip' = ''
    'stun-secondary-external-port' = 7002


Primary port should be set to 3478 as it is default port for STUN servers.

Setting descriptions

  1. stun-primary-ip - primary IP address of STUN server used for binding (and sending to client if stun-primary-external-ip)
  2. stun-primary-port - primary port of STUN server used for binding (and sending to client if stun-primary-external-port)
  3. stun-secondary-ip - secondary IP address of STUN server used for binding (and sending to client if stun-secondary-external-ip)
  4. stun-secondary-ip - secondary port of STUN server used for binding (and sending to client if stun-secondary-external-port)

If you wish to have a secondary STUN server as a backup, or to provide multiple addresses for STUN services, the following may be used.

  1. stun-primary-external-ip - primary external IP address of STUN server used for sending to client if set
  2. stun-primary-external-port - primary external port of STUN server used for sending to client if set
  3. stun-secondary-external-ip - secondary external IP address of STUN server used for sending to client if set
  4. stun-secondary-external-port - secondary external port of STUN server used for sending to client if set

Logback configuration

You man want to use logback for STUN server to append normal server logs. To do this, specify the logback xml file within java options in the tigase.conf file.


You may configure the logback by editing the xml included with distributions at logback.xml.

What is included is a basic logback configuration that just adds the stun logging.

<configuration  scan="true">

  <appender name="STDOUT"
        %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n

  <logger name="de.javawi.jstun.header.MessageHeader" level="INFO" />

  <root level="DEBUG">
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
