Package tigase.db.xml

Class XMLRepository

    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLRepository

        public XMLRepository()
    • Method Detail

      • addDataList

        public void addDataList​(BareJID user,
                                java.lang.String subnode,
                                java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.String[] list)
                         throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        addDataList method adds mode entries to existing data list associated with given key in repository under given node path. This method is very similar to setDataList(...) except it doesn't remove existing data.
        Specified by:
        addDataList in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String with which the specified values list is to be associated.
        list - a String[] is an array of values to be associated with the specified key.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • addUser

        public void addUser​(BareJID user)
                     throws UserExistsException
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        This addUser method allows to add new user to repository. It must throw en exception UserExistsException if such user already exists because user must be unique within user repository data base.
        As one XMPP server can support many virtual internet domains it is required that user id consists of user name and domain address: for example.
        Specified by:
        addUser in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user id consisting of user name and domain address.
        UserExistsException - if user with the same id already exists.
      • getData

        public java.lang.String getData​(BareJID user,
                                        java.lang.String subnode,
                                        java.lang.String key,
                                        java.lang.String def)
                                 throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getData method returns a value associated with given key for user repository in given subnode. If key is not found in repository given default value is returned.
        Specified by:
        getData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String with which the needed value is associated.
        def - a String value which is returned in case if data for specified key does not exixist in repository.
        a String value
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getData

        public java.lang.String getData​(BareJID user,
                                        java.lang.String subnode,
                                        java.lang.String key)
                                 throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getData method returns a value associated with given key for user repository in given subnode. If key is not found in repository null value is returned.
        Specified by:
        getData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String with which the needed value is associated.
        a String value
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getData

        public java.lang.String getData​(BareJID user,
                                        java.lang.String key)
                                 throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getData method returns a value associated with given key for user repository in default subnode. If key is not found in repository null value is returned.
        Specified by:
        getData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        key - a String with which the needed value is associated.
        a String value
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getDataList

        public java.lang.String[] getDataList​(BareJID user,
                                              java.lang.String subnode,
                                              java.lang.String key)
                                       throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getDataList method returns array of values associated with given key or null if given key does not exist for given user ID in given node path.
        Specified by:
        getDataList in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String with which the needed values list is associated.
        a String[] value
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getKeys

        public java.lang.String[] getKeys​(BareJID user,
                                          java.lang.String subnode)
                                   throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getKeys method returns list of all keys stored in given subnode in user repository. There is a value (or list of values) associated with each key. It is up to user (developer) to know what key keeps one value and what key keeps list of values.
        Specified by:
        getKeys in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        a String[] value
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getKeys

        public java.lang.String[] getKeys​(BareJID user)
                                   throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getKeys method returns list of all keys stored in default user repository node. There is some a value (or list of values) associated with each key. It is up to user (developer) to know what key keeps one value and what key keeps list of values.
        Specified by:
        getKeys in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored or retrieved. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        a String[] value
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getSubnodes

        public java.lang.String[] getSubnodes​(BareJID user,
                                              java.lang.String subnode)
                                       throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getSubnodes method returns list of all direct subnodes from given node.
        Specified by:
        getSubnodes in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        a String[] value is an array of all direct subnodes.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getSubnodes

        public java.lang.String[] getSubnodes​(BareJID user)
                                       throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        getSubnodes method returns list of all root nodes for given user.
        Specified by:
        getSubnodes in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        a String[] value is an array of all root nodes for given user.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • getUserUID

        public long getUserUID​(BareJID user)
                        throws TigaseDBException
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        Returns a user unique ID number within the given repository. Please note it is also possible that the ID number is unique only for the user domain. The ID is a positive number if the user exists and negative if the user was not found in the repository.
        Specified by:
        getUserUID in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored or retrieved. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        a user inique ID number within the repository or domain. The ID is a positive number if the user exists and negative if the user was not found in the repository.
        TigaseDBException - if there is a problem with accessing user repository.
      • getUsers

        public java.util.List<BareJID> getUsers()
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        This method is only used by the data conversion tools. They attempt to copy whole user repositories from one to another database. Databases might not be compatible but as long as the API is implemented and they support adding user the user database can be copied to a different data source.
        Specified by:
        getUsers in interface UserRepository
        returns a collection of all user IDs (Jabber IDs) stored in the user repository.
      • getUsersCount

        public long getUsersCount​(java.lang.String domain)
        Description copied from interface: AuthRepository
        This method is only used by the server statistics component to report number of registered users for given domain.
        Specified by:
        getUsersCount in interface AuthRepository
        Specified by:
        getUsersCount in interface UserRepository
        domain - for which get the statistics
        a long number of registered users in the repository.
      • getUsersCount

        public long getUsersCount()
        Description copied from interface: AuthRepository
        This method is only used by the server statistics component to report number of registered users.
        Specified by:
        getUsersCount in interface AuthRepository
        Specified by:
        getUsersCount in interface UserRepository
        a long number of registered users in the repository.
      • initRepository

        public void initRepository​(java.lang.String file,
                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> params)
                            throws DBInitException
        Description copied from interface: Repository
        Method is deprecated and should not be user any more.
        The method is called to initialize the data repository. Depending on the implementation all the initialization parameters can be passed either via resource_uri parameter as the database connection string or via params map if the required repository parameters are more complex or both.
        Specified by:
        initRepository in interface Repository
        file - value in most cases representing the database connection string.
        params - is a Map with repository properties necessary to initialize and perform all the functions. The initialization parameters are implementation dependent.
        DBInitException - if there was an error during repository initialization. Some implementations, though, perform so called lazy initialization so even though there is a problem with the underlying repository it may not be signaled through this method call.
      • queryAuth

        public void queryAuth​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> authProps)
        Description copied from interface: AuthRepository
        queryAuth returns mechanisms available for authentication.
        Specified by:
        queryAuth in interface AuthRepository
        authProps - a Map value with parameters for authentication.
      • removeData

        public void removeData​(BareJID user,
                               java.lang.String subnode,
                               java.lang.String key)
                        throws UserNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        removeData method removes pair (key, value) from user repository in given subnode. If the key exists in user repository there is always a value associated with this key - even empty String. If key does not exist the null value is returned from repository backend or given default value.
        Specified by:
        removeData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String for which the value is to be removed.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
      • removeData

        public void removeData​(BareJID user,
                               java.lang.String key)
                        throws UserNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        removeData method removes pair (key, value) from user repository in default repository node. If the key exists in user repository there is always a value associated with this key - even empty String. If key does not exist the null value is returned from repository backend or given default value.
        Specified by:
        removeData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        key - a String for which the value is to be removed.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
      • removeSubnode

        public void removeSubnode​(BareJID user,
                                  java.lang.String subnode)
                           throws UserNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        removeSubnode method removes given subnode with all subnodes in this node and all data stored in this node and in all subnodes. Effectively it removes entire repository tree starting from given node.
        Specified by:
        removeSubnode in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path to subnode which has to be removed. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
      • removeUser

        public void removeUser​(BareJID user)
                        throws UserNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        This removeUser method allows to remove user and all his data from user repository. If given user id does not exist UserNotFoundException must be thrown. As one XMPP server can support many virtual internet domains it is required that user id consists of user name and domain address: for example.
        Specified by:
        removeUser in interface AuthRepository
        Specified by:
        removeUser in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user id consisting of user name and domain address.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
      • setData

        public void setData​(BareJID user,
                            java.lang.String subnode,
                            java.lang.String key,
                            java.lang.String value)
                     throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        setData method sets data value for given user ID in repository under given node path and associates it with given key. If there already exists value for given key in given node, old value is replaced with new value. No warning or exception is thrown in case if methods overwrites old value.
        Specified by:
        setData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String with which the specified value is to be associated.
        value - a String value to be associated with the specified key.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • setData

        public void setData​(BareJID user,
                            java.lang.String key,
                            java.lang.String value)
                     throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        This setData method sets data value for given user ID associated with given key in default repository node. Default node is dependent on implementation and usually it is root user node. If there already exists value for given key in given node, old value is replaced with new value. No warning or exception is thrown in case if methods overwrites old value.
        Specified by:
        setData in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        key - a String with which the specified value is to be associated.
        value - a String value to be associated with the specified key.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • setDataList

        public void setDataList​(BareJID user,
                                java.lang.String subnode,
                                java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.String[] list)
                         throws UserNotFoundException,
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        setDataList method sets list of values for given user associated given key in repository under given node path. If there already exist values for given key in given node, all old values are replaced with new values. No warning or exception is thrown in case if methods overwrites old value.
        Specified by:
        setDataList in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value of user ID for which data must be stored. User ID consists of user name and domain name.
        subnode - a String value is a node path where data is stored. Node path has the same form as directory path on file system:
        key - a String with which the specified values list is to be associated.
        list - a String[] is an array of values to be associated with the specified key.
        UserNotFoundException - if user id hasn't been found in repository.
        TigaseDBException - if database backend error occurs.
      • userExists

        public boolean userExists​(BareJID user)
        Description copied from interface: UserRepository
        Method userExists checks whether the user (or repository top node) exists in the database. The method doesn't throw any exception nor it creates the user in case it is missing. It just checks whether the user is already in the database.
        Please don't overuse this method. All other methods throw UserNotFoundException exception in case the user is missing for which you executed the method. The exception is thrown unless userAutoCreate property is set to true. In such case the exception is never thrown and the methods are executed for given parameters prior to creating user entry if it is missing.
        Therefore this method should be used only to check whether the account exists without creating it.
        Specified by:
        userExists in interface UserRepository
        user - a BareJID value
        a boolean value