
To enable Tigase MUC Component you need to add following block to etc/ file:

muc () {

It will enable component and configure it under name muc. By default it will also use database configured as default data source to store data - including room configuration, affiliations and chat history.

Using separate storage

As mentioned above, by default Tigase MUC component uses default data source configured for Tigase XMPP Server. It is possible to use separate store by MUC component. To do so you need to configure new DataSource in dataSource section. Here we will use muc-store as name of newly configured data source. Additionally you need to pass name of newly configured data source to dataSourceName property of default DAO of MUC component.

dataSource {
    muc-store () {
        uri = 'jdbc:postgresql://server/muc-database'

muc () {
    muc-dao {
        default () {
            dataSourceName = 'muc-store'

It is also possible to configure separate store for particular domain, ie. Here we will configure data source with name and use it to store data for MUC rooms hosted at

dataSource {
    '' () {
        uri = 'jdbc:postgresql://server/example-database'

muc () {
    muc-dao {
        '' () {
          # we may not set dataSourceName as it matches name of domain


With this configuration room data for other domains than will be stored in default data source.

Configuring default room configuration

It is possible to define value for every room option by setting it’s value to defaultRoomConfig as a property:

muc () {
    defaultRoomConfig {
        <option> = <value>

for example:

muc () {
    defaultRoomConfig {
        'tigase#presence_delivery_logic' = 'PREFERE_LAST'

Enabling and configuring MUC room logging

MUC component supports logging inforamtions about

  • joining room
  • leaving room
  • broadcasting message by room
  • setting room chat subject

to HTML, XML or plain text files.

To enable this functionality you need to modify etc/ file to enable muc-logger in MUC component, like this:

muc () {
    muc-logger () {

By default files are stored in logs subdirectory of Tigase XMPP Server installation directory. You may change it by setting room-log-directory property of MUC component to path where you want to store room logs.

muc () {
    'muc-logger' () {
    'room-log-directory' = '/var/log/muc/'

We provide default logger for room events, but if you want, you may set your own custom logger. Here we set com.example.CustomLogger as logger for MUC rooms:

muc () {
    'muc-logger' (class: com.example.CustomLogger) {

Disable message filtering

MUC component by default filters messages and allows only <body/> element to be delivered to participants. To disable this filtering it is required to set message-filter-enabled property of MUC component to false.

muc () {
    'message-filter-enabled' = false

Disable presence filtering

To disable filter and allow MUC transfer all subelements in <presence/>, presence-filter-enabled property of MUC component needs to be set to false

muc () {
    'presence-filter-enabled' = false

Configuring discovering of disconnected participants

MUC component automatically discovers disconnected participants by checking if user is still connected every 5 minutes.

It is possible to increase checking frequency by setting search-ghosts-every-minute property of MUC component to true

muc () {
    'search-ghosts-every-minute' = trues

It is also possible to disable this discovery by setting ghostbuster-enabled property of MUC component to false

muc () {
    'ghostbuster-enabled' = false

Allow chat states in rooms

To allow transfer of chat-states in MUC messages set muc-allow-chat-states property of MUC component to true

muc () {
    'muc-allow-chat-states' = true

Disable locking of new rooms

To turn off default locking newly created rooms set muc-lock-new-room property of MUC component to `false’ by default new room will be locked until owner submits a new room configuration.

muc () {
    'muc-lock-new-room' = false

Disable joining with multiple resources under same nickname

To disable joining from multiple resources under single nickname set muc-multi-item-allowed property of MUC component to false

muc () {
    'muc-multi-item-allowed' = false

Enabling support for XEP-0091: Legacy Delayed Delivery

To enable support for XEP-0091 you need to set legacy-delayed-delivery-enabled property of MUC component to true

muc () {
    'legacy-delayed-delivery-enabled' = true