Welcome to development guide for Tigase XMPP Library for Swift - TigaseSwift.

Starting up

Preparation of environment for development

  1. Download and install newest version of XCode

  2. Download source code of library

    It is best to download library source code from our Git repository

  3. Create workspace in XCode

  4. Add library project to newly created workspace using Add Files to "workspace_name"…​ from File menu of XCode when workspace is opened in XCode.

  5. Select TigaseSwift.xcodeproj which wil be inside root directory of source code of library and click Add

  6. Workspace for development using TigaseSwift library is ready

Creation of project using TigaseSwift library

  1. Create project in XCode

  2. Add project to TigaseSwift library workspace created during preparation of environment for development using @Add Files to "workspace_name"…​@ from @File@ menu of XCode when workspace is opened in XCode.


  3. Select XCode project file of your newly created project and click Add

    This file name will end with .xcodeproj


  4. In XCode open Build Settings tab of imported project

  5. In section Embedded Binaries click on + sign

  6. Select TigaseSwift.framework and add it to project

    It will be located in Products folder of TigaseSwift project AddTigaseSwiftAsEmbeddedFramework

  7. Your project contains embedded TigaseSwift framework


Create XMPP client instance

To use TigaseSwift library you need to create instance of XMPPClient class which is implementation of XMPP client.

var client = XMPPClient();

Register required modules

Next step is to register modules providing support for features you would like to use. Almost in any case you will need at least following modules:

  • StreamFeaturesModule

    Responsible for handling XMPP stream features

  • AuthModule and SaslModule

    AuthModule add common authentication features, while SaslModule add support for SASL based authentication.

  • ResourceBinderModule

    Module responsible for resource binding which is part of stream negotiation process.

  • SessionEstablishmentModule

    Module handles session establishment which is last step of stream negotiation, however it is not needed according to RFC 6120. We recommend to register this module for compatibility reasons - if it will be not needed then it will not be used.

To register, ie. StreamFeaturesModule you need to use following code:


Register additional modules you need

You can add any additional modules found in TigaseSwift library or you can create your own based by implementing support for XmppModule protocol.

Here is list of some modules provided by TigaseSwift library:

  • PresenceModule

    Responsible for handling incoming presences and allows to set client presence.

  • MessageModule

    This module is responsible for processing incoming messages, creating/destroying chats and sending messages.

  • RosterModule

    Provides support for retrieval and manipulation of XMPP roster.

  • MucModule

    Provides support for MUC rooms as described in XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat

  • DiscoveryModule

    Provides support for service discovery described in XEP-0030: Service Discovery

  • StreamManagementModule

    Provides support for Stream Management acking and stream resumption as specified in XEP-0198: Stream Management

  • MessageCarbonsModule

    Adds support for forwarding messages delivered to other resources as described in XEP-0280: Message Carbons

  • VCardModule

    Implementation of support for XEP-0054: vcard-temp

  • PingModule

    Allows to check if other XMPP client is available and it is possible to deliver packet to this XMPP client as specified in XEP-0199: XMPP Ping

  • InBandRegistrationModule

    Adds possibility to register XMPP account using XEP-0077: In-Band Registration

  • MobileModeModule

    Provides support for using Tigase Optimizations for mobile devices

  • CapabilitiesModule

    Provides support for XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities which allows for advertisement and automatic discovery of features supported by other clients.

Provide credentials needed for authentication

This should be done using connectionConfiguration properties, ie.

let userJID = BareJID("user@domain.com");

To use ANONYMOUS authentication mechanism, do not set user jid and password. Instead just set server domain:


There are three event related to connection state which should be handled:

  • SocketConnector.ConnectedEvent

    Fired when client opens TCP connection to server - XMPP stream is not ready at this point.

  • SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent

    Fired when client finishes session establishment. It will be called even if SessionEstablishmentModule is not registered.

  • SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent

    Fired when TCP connection is closed or when XMPP stream is closed. It will be also called when TCP connection is broken.


To start process of DNS resolution, establishing TCP connection and establishing XMPP stream you need to call:



To disconnect from server properly and close XMPP and TCP connection you need to call:


Sending custom stanza

Usually class which supports XmppModule protocol is being implemented to add new feature to TigaseSwift library. However in some cases in which we want to send simple stanza or send stanza and react on received response there is no need to implement class supporting XmppModule protocol. Instead of that following methods may be used.

Sending stanza without waiting for response

To send custom stanza you need to construct this stanza and execute following code


writer is instance of PacketWriter class responsible for sending stanzas from client to server. Property can be nil if connection is not established.

Sending stanza and waiting for response (closures)

It possible to wait for response stanza, but only in case of Iq stanzas. To do so, you need to pass callback which will be called when result will be received, ie.

client.context.writer?.write(stanza, timeout: 45, onSuccess: {(response) in
    // response received with type equal `result`
  }, onError: {(response, errorCondition) in
    // received response with type equal `error`
  }, onTimeout: {
    // no response was received in specified time

You can omit timeout parameter. Default value of 30 seconds will be used as a timeout.

You can pass nil as any of closures. In this case particular response will not trigger any reaction.

Sending stanza and waiting for response (closure)

It possible to wait for response stanza, but only in case of Iq stanzas. To do so, you need to pass callback which will be called when result will be received, ie.

client.context.writer?.write(stanza, timeout: 45, callback: {(response) in
  // will be called on `result`, `error` or in case of timeout

You can omit timeout parameter, which will use 30 seconds as default timeout.

As callback is called always as it will be called in case of received result, error or in case of timeout it is required to be able to distinguish what caused execution of this closure. In case of result or error packet being received, received stanza will be passed to closure for processing. However in case of timeout nil will be passed instead of stanza - as no stanza was received.

Sending stanza and waiting for response (AsyncCallback)

It possible to wait for response stanza, but only in case of Iq stanzas. To do so, you need to pass callback which will be called when result will be received, ie.

client.context.writer?.write(stanza, timeout: 45, callback: callback);

where callback is implementation of AsyncCallback protocol.

You can omit timeout parameter, which will use 30 seconds as default timeout.

Supported features

Specification Name Description

RFC 6120

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Core

XMPP specification including SSL/TLS encryption, SASL authentication, resource binding, etc…​

RFC 6121

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging and Presence

Roster management, presence subscription, sending and receiving messages


Service Discovery

Support for XMPP service discovery


Multi-User Chat

Support for MUC protocol extension



User vCard implementation



Support for PubSub protocol extension


In-Band Registration

Support for in-band account registration


XMPP Date and Time Profiles

Support for standarized ISO 8601 profiles and lexical representation


Software Version

Support for discovery and advertisement of used software and it’s version


Entity Capabilities

Support for discovery of features supported and advertised by clients and servers


Stream Compression

Compression of data exchanged between client and server


vCard-Based Avatars

Storage of user avatar inside vCard


Personal Eventing Protocol

Support for PEP protocol extension


User Nickname

Support for communication of user nickname


Best Practices for Use of SASL ANONYMOUS

Anonymous authentication


Stream Management




Delayed Delivery

Information about delayed delivery of stanza


Message Carbons

Support for delivery of messages sent to other resources


Client State Indication

Notifying server about current state of XMPP client

Mobile Optimizations

Optimizations designed for mobile devices

List of specifications and modules implementing it

RFC 6120 XMPP: Core

  • AuthModule

  • SaslModule

  • StreamFeaturesModule

  • ResourceBinderModule

  • SessionEstablishmentModule


  • MessageModule

  • PresenceModule

  • RosterModule

XEP-0030: Service Discovery

  • DiscoveryModule

XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat

  • MucModule

XEP-0054: vcard-temp

  • VCardModule

XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe

  • PubSubModule

XEP-0077: In-Band Registration

  • InBandRegistrationModule

XEP-0092: SoftwareVersion

  • SoftwareVersionModule

XEP-0115: Entity Capabilities

  • CapabilitiesModule

XEP-0153: vCard-Based Avatars

  • VCardModule

XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol

  • PubSubModule

XEP-0175: SASL Anonymous

  • AnonymousMechanism

XEP-0199: XMPP Ping

  • PingModule

XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery

  • Delay

XEP-0280: Message Carbons

  • MessageCarbonsModule

XEP-0352: Client State Indication

  • ClientStateIndicationModule

Mobile Optimizations

  • MobileModeModule

Usage examples

Simple client sending message

Below is example code of client which send XMPP message to recipient@domain.com as sender@domain.com using Pa$$w0rd as password for authentication. Message is sent just after clients connects to server, authenticates and establishes session.

import Foundation
import TigaseSwift

class MessageSendingClient: EventHandler {

    var client: XMPPClient;

    init() {

        client = XMPPClient();


        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in DisconnectedEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent.TYPE);

        setCredentials(userJID: "sender@domain.com", password: "Pa$$w0rd");

        print("Connecting to server..")
        print("Started async processing..");

    func registerModules() {
        print("Registering modules required for authentication and session establishment");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(AuthModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(StreamFeaturesModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SaslModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(ResourceBinderModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SessionEstablishmentModule());

        print("Registering module for sending/receiving messages..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(MessageModule());

    func setCredentials(userJID: String, password: String) {
        let jid = BareJID(userJID);

    /// Processing received events
    func handle(event: Event) {
        switch (event) {
        case is SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent:
        case is SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent:
            print("Client is disconnected.");
            print("unsupported event", event);

    /// Called when session is established
    func sessionEstablished() {
        print("Now we are connected to server and session is ready..");

        let messageModule: MessageModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(MessageModule.ID)!;
        let recipient = JID("recipient@domain.com");
        let chat = messageModule.createChat(with: recipient);
        print("Sending message to", recipient, "..");
        _ = messageModule.sendMessage(in: chat!, body: "I'm now online..");

        print("Waiting 1 sec to ensure message is sent");
        print("Disconnecting from server..");

Simple client setting presence and handling incoming presences

In this example we will connect to server, set our presence to Do not disturb with status message set to Do not disturb me!.

This example will also print any presence we will receive from our contacts. However for this part to work our roster cannot be empty and at least one of our roster contacts needs to be available.

import Foundation
import TigaseSwift

class PresenceHandlingClient: EventHandler {

    var client: XMPPClient;

    init() {

        client = XMPPClient();


        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in DisconnectedEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in ContactPresenceChangedEvent");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged.TYPE);

        setCredentials(userJID: "sender@domain.com", password: "Pa$$w0rd");

        print("Connecting to server..")
        print("Started async processing..");

    func registerModules() {
        print("Registering modules required for authentication and session establishment");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(AuthModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(StreamFeaturesModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SaslModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(ResourceBinderModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SessionEstablishmentModule());

        print("Registering module for handling presences..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(PresenceModule());

    func setCredentials(userJID: String, password: String) {
        let jid = BareJID(userJID);

    /// Processing received events
    func handle(event: Event) {
        switch (event) {
        case is SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent:
        case is SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent:
            print("Client is disconnected.");
        case let cpc as PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged:
            print("unsupported event", event);

    /// Called when session is established
    func sessionEstablished() {
        print("Now we are connected to server and session is ready..");

        let presenceModule: PresenceModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PresenceModule.ID)!;
        print("Setting presence to DND...");
        presenceModule.setPresence(show: Presence.Show.dnd, status: "Do not distrub me!", priority: 2);

    func contactPresenceChanged(_ cpc: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged) {
        print("We got notified that", cpc.presence.from, "changed presence to", cpc.presence.show);

Simple client setting presence, handling incoming presences and responding on incoming messages

This example presents way to listen for incoming messages and responding on this messages.

import Foundation
import TigaseSwift

class MessageRespondingClient: EventHandler {

    var client: XMPPClient;

    init() {

        client = XMPPClient();


        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in DisconnectedEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in ContactPresenceChangedEvent and in MessageReceivedEvent");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged.TYPE, MessageModule.MessageReceivedEvent.TYPE);

        setCredentials(userJID: "sender@domain.com", password: "Pa$$w0rd");

        print("Connecting to server..")
        print("Started async processing..");

    func registerModules() {
        print("Registering modules required for authentication and session establishment");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(AuthModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(StreamFeaturesModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SaslModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(ResourceBinderModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SessionEstablishmentModule());

        print("Registering module for handling presences..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(PresenceModule());
        print("Registering module for handling messages..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(MessageModule());

    func setCredentials(userJID: String, password: String) {
        let jid = BareJID(userJID);

    /// Processing received events
    func handle(event: Event) {
        switch (event) {
        case is SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent:
        case is SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent:
            print("Client is disconnected.");
        case let cpc as PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged:
        case let mr as MessageModule.MessageReceivedEvent:
            print("unsupported event", event);

    /// Called when session is established
    func sessionEstablished() {
        print("Now we are connected to server and session is ready..");

        let presenceModule: PresenceModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PresenceModule.ID)!;
        print("Setting presence to DND...");
        presenceModule.setPresence(show: Presence.Show.dnd, status: "Do not distrub me!", priority: 2);

    func contactPresenceChanged(_ cpc: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged) {
        print("We got notified that", cpc.presence.from, "changed presence to", cpc.presence.show);

    func messageReceived(_ mr: MessageModule.MessageReceivedEvent) {
        print("Received new message from", mr.message.from, "with text", mr.message.body);

        let messageModule: MessageModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(MessageModule.ID)!;
        print("Creating chat instance if it was not received..");
        let chat = mr.chat ?? messageModule.createChat(with: mr.message.from!);
        print("Sending response..");
        _ = messageModule.sendMessage(in: chat!, body: "Message in response to: " + (mr.message.body ?? ""));

Simple client with support for MUC

In this example you can find how to join to room, send message to room and handle informations about occupants.

import Foundation
import TigaseSwift

class MucClient: EventHandler {

    var client: XMPPClient;

    init() {

        client = XMPPClient();


        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in DisconnectedEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent.TYPE);

        print("Notifying event but that we are interested in some of MucModule events");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: MucModule.YouJoinedEvent.TYPE, MucModule.MessageReceivedEvent.TYPE, MucModule.OccupantComesEvent.TYPE, MucModule.OccupantLeavedEvent.TYPE, MucModule.OccupantChangedPresenceEvent.TYPE);

        setCredentials(userJID: "sender@domain.com", password: "Pa$$w0rd");

        print("Connecting to server..")
        print("Started async processing..");

    func registerModules() {
        print("Registering modules required for authentication and session establishment");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(AuthModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(StreamFeaturesModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SaslModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(ResourceBinderModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SessionEstablishmentModule());

        print("Registering module for handling presences..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(PresenceModule());
        print("Registering module for handling messages..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(MessageModule());
        print("Registering module for handling MUC...");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(MucModule());

    func setCredentials(userJID: String, password: String) {
        let jid = BareJID(userJID);

    /// Processing received events
    func handle(event: Event) {
        switch (event) {
        case is SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent:
        case is SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent:
            print("Client is disconnected.");
        case let cpc as PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged:
        case let mr as MessageModule.MessageReceivedEvent:
        case let mrj as MucModule.YouJoinedEvent:
        case let mmr as MucModule.MessageReceivedEvent:
        case let mro as MucModule.OccupantComesEvent:
            print("Occupant", mro.occupant.nickname, "entered room with presence", mro.presence);
        case let mro as MucModule.OccupantLeavedEvent:
            print("Occupant", mro.occupant.nickname, "left room");
        case let mro as MucModule.OccupantChangedPresenceEvent:
            print("Occupant", mro.occupant.nickname, "changed presence to", mro.presence)
            print("unsupported event", event);

    /// Called when session is established
    func sessionEstablished() {
        print("Now we are connected to server and session is ready..");

        let presenceModule: PresenceModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PresenceModule.ID)!;
        print("Setting presence to DND...");
        presenceModule.setPresence(show: Presence.Show.dnd, status: "Do not distrub me!", priority: 2);

        let mucModule: MucModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(MucModule.ID)!;
        _ = mucModule.join(roomName: "room-name", mucServer: "muc.domain.com", nickname: "Test");

    func contactPresenceChanged(_ cpc: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged) {
        print("We got notified that", cpc.presence.from, "changed presence to", cpc.presence.show);

    func messageReceived(_ mr: MessageModule.MessageReceivedEvent) {
        print("Received new message from", mr.message.from, "with text", mr.message.body);

        let messageModule: MessageModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(MessageModule.ID)!;
        print("Creating chat instance if it was not received..");
        let chat = mr.chat ?? messageModule.createChat(with: mr.message.from!);
        print("Sending response..");
        _ = messageModule.sendMessage(in: chat!, body: "Message in response to: " + (mr.message.body ?? ""));

    func mucRoomJoined(_ event: MucModule.YouJoinedEvent) {
        event.room.sendMessage("Welcome to all");

    func mucMessageReceived(_ event: MucModule.MessageReceivedEvent) {
        print("received from", event.nickname, "message", event.message.body);

Simple client with support for PubSub

In this example you can find how to create PubSub node, publish item, receive notifications, retrieve items and delete PubSub node.

import Foundation
import TigaseSwift

class PubSubClient: EventHandler {

    var client: XMPPClient;
    var pubsubJid: BareJID!;
    let nodeName = "test-node1";

    var errorHandler: ((ErrorCondition?,PubSubErrorCondition?)->Void)? = { (errorCondition,pubsubErrorCondition) in
        print("received error: ", errorCondition, pubsubErrorCondition);

    init() {

        client = XMPPClient();


        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in DisconnectedEvent" +
            " which is fired after client is connected");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interested in ContactPresenceChangedEvent");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged.TYPE);
        print("Notifying event bus that we are interedted in PubSubModule.NotificationReceivedEvent");
        client.eventBus.register(handler: self, for: PubSubModule.NotificationReceivedEvent.TYPE)

        setCredentials(userJID: "sender@domain.com", password: "Pa$$w0rd");

        pubsubJid = BareJID("pubsub." + client.sessionObject.userBareJid!.domain);

        print("Connecting to server..")
        print("Started async processing..");

    func registerModules() {
        print("Registering modules required for authentication and session establishment");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(AuthModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(StreamFeaturesModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SaslModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(ResourceBinderModule());
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(SessionEstablishmentModule());

        print("Registering module for handling presences..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(PresenceModule());
        print("Registering module for handling messages..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(MessageModule());
        print("Registering module for handling pubsub protocol..");
        _ = client.modulesManager.register(PubSubModule());

    func setCredentials(userJID: String, password: String) {
        let jid = BareJID(userJID);

    /// Processing received events
    func handle(event: Event) {
        switch (event) {
        case is SessionEstablishmentModule.SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent:
        case is SocketConnector.DisconnectedEvent:
            print("Client is disconnected.");
        case let cpc as PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged:
        case let psne as PubSubModule.NotificationReceivedEvent:
            print("unsupported event", event);

    /// Called when session is established
    func sessionEstablished() {
        print("Now we are connected to server and session is ready..");

        let presenceModule: PresenceModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PresenceModule.ID)!;
        print("Setting presence to DND...");
        presenceModule.setPresence(show: Presence.Show.dnd, status: "Do not distrub me!", priority: 2);

    func contactPresenceChanged(_ cpc: PresenceModule.ContactPresenceChanged) {
        print("We got notified that", cpc.presence.from, "changed presence to", cpc.presence.show);

    func createPubSubNode() {
        let pubsubModule: PubSubModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PubSubModule.ID)!;
        pubsubModule.createNode(at: pubsubJid, node: nodeName, onSuccess: { (stanza) in
            print("node", self.nodeName, "created at", self.pubsubJid);
        }, onError: self.errorHandler);

    func publishItem() {
        let pubsubModule: PubSubModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PubSubModule.ID)!;

        let payload = Element(name: "payload", cdata: "Sample item");

        pubsubModule.publishItem(at: pubsubJid, to: nodeName, payload: payload, onSuccess: { (stanza,node,id) in
            print("published item with id", id, "on node", node, "at", self.pubsubJid);
        }, onError: self.errorHandler);

    func retrieveItems() {
        let pubsubModule: PubSubModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PubSubModule.ID)!;

        pubsubModule.retriveItems(from: pubsubJid, for: nodeName, onSuccess: { (stanza, node, items, rsm) in
            print("retrieved", items.count, " items from", stanza.from, "node", node, "items = ", items);
        }, onError: self.errorHandler);

    func deletePubSubNode() {
        let pubsubModule: PubSubModule = client.modulesManager.getModule(PubSubModule.ID)!;
        pubsubModule.deleteNode(from: pubsubJid, node: nodeName, onSuccess: { (stanza) in
            print("node", self.nodeName, "deleted from", self.pubsubJid);
        }, onError: self.errorHandler);

    func pubsubNotificationReceived(_ event: PubSubModule.NotificationReceivedEvent) {
        print("received notification event from pubsub node", event.nodeName, "at", event.message.from, "action", event.itemType, "with item id", event.itemId, "and payload", event.payload?.stringValue);