Package tigase.server

Class Packet

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Iq, Message, Presence

    public class Packet
    extends java.lang.Object
    Objects of this class carry a single XMPP packet (stanza). The XMPP stanza is carried as an XML element in DOM structure by the Packet object which contains some extra information and convenience methods to quickly access the most important stanza information.
    The stanza is accessible directly through the getElement() method and then it can be handles as an XML object.
    Please note! Even though the Packet object and carried the stanza Element is not unmodifiable it should be treated as such. This particular Packet can be processed concurrently at the same time in different components or plugins of the Tigase server. Modifying it may lead to unexpected and hard to diagnose behaviors. Every time you want to change or update the object you should obtaina a copy of it using one of the utility methods: copyElementOnly(), swapFromTo(...), errorResult(...), okResult(...), swapStanzaFromTo(...)
    There are no public constructors for the class, instead you have to use factory methods: packetInstance(...) which return instance of one of the classes: Iq, Message or Presence. While creating a new Packet instance JIDs are parsed and processed through the stringprep. Hence some of the factory methods may throw TigaseStringprepException exception. You can avoid this by using the methods which accept preparsed JIDs. Reusing preparsed JIDs is highly recommended.
    There are 3 kinds of addresses available from the Packet object: PacketFrom/To, StanzaFrom/To and From/To.
    Stanza addresses are the normal XMPP addresses parsed from the XML stanza and as a convenience are available through methods as JID objects. This is not only convenient to the developer but also this is important for performance reasons as parsing JID and processing it through stringprep is quite expensive operation so it is better to do it once and reuse the parsed objects. Please note that any of them can be null. Note also. You should avoid parsing stanza JIDs from the XML element in your code as this may impact the server performance. Reuse the JIDs provided from the Packet methods.
    Packet addresses are also JID objects but they may contain a different values from the Stanza addresses. These are the Tigase internal addresses used by the server and they usually contain Tigase component source and destination address. In most cases they are used between connection managers and session managers and can be ignored by other code. One advantage of setting PacketFrom address to address of your component (getComponentId()) address is that if there is a packet delivery problem it will be returned back to the sender with apropriate error message.
    Simple From/To addresses contains values following the logic: If PacketFrom/To is not null then it contains PacketFrom/To values otherwise it contains StanzaFrom/To values. This is because the Tigase server tries always to deliver and process the Packet using PacketFrom/To addresses if they are null then Stanza addresses are used instead. So these are just convenience methods which allow avoiding extra IFs in the program code and also save some CPU cycles.
    Created: Tue Nov 22 07:07:11 2005
    Artur Hefczyc
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String CLIENT_XMLNS  
      protected Element elem  
      static java.lang.String ERROR_NS  
      static java.lang.String FROM_ATT  
      static boolean FULL_DEBUG
      The variable control whether the toStringSecure() hides all the CData information from stanzas printed to logs or logs the full, detailed stanza content.
      static java.lang.String ID_ATT  
      static java.lang.String PERM_ATT  
      static java.lang.String PRIORITY_ATT  
      static java.lang.String TO_ATT  
      static java.lang.String TYPE_ATT  
      static java.lang.String XMLNS_ATT  
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected Packet​(Element elem)
      A constructor creating the Packet instance.
      protected Packet​(Element elem, JID stanzaFrom, JID stanzaTo)
      A constructor creating the Packet instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Packet copyElementOnly()
      copyElementOnly method creates a copy of the packet with stanza information copied only.
      java.lang.String debug()
      Method returns a string representation of all the data enclosed by the Packet instance.
      static java.lang.String elemToString​(Element el)
      Method trims Element stanza to 1024 characters and returns String representation of the element
      static java.lang.String elemToStringSecure​(Element el)
      Method trims Element stanza to 1024 characters and returns String representation of the element.
      Packet errorResult​(java.lang.String errorType, java.lang.Integer errorCode, java.lang.String errorCondition, java.lang.String errorText, boolean includeOriginalXML)
      Method returns a modified copy of the Packet with its stanza as stanza error used for reporting errors.
      java.lang.String getAttributeStaticStr​(java.lang.String key)
      A convenience method for accessing stanza top element attributes.
      java.lang.String getAttributeStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] path, java.lang.String key)
      A convenience method for accessing stanza top level or any of it's children attribute.
      Command getCommand()
      The method always returns NULL.
      java.lang.String getElemCData()
      Method return character data for the stanza top element.
      java.lang.String getElemCDataStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] xmlPath)
      Method returns character data from the enclosed stanza for a given stanza element or child pointed by the xmlPath parameter.
      Element getElemChild​(java.lang.String name)  
      Element getElemChild​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String xmlns)  
      java.util.List<Element> getElemChildrenStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] xmlPath)
      Method returns a list of all XML children from the enclosed stanza for a given stanza element or child pointed by the xmlPath parameter.
      Element getElement()
      Method returns the stanza XML element in DOM format.
      java.lang.String getElemName()
      Convenience method for retrieving the stanza top element name.
      protected java.lang.String[] getElNameErrorPath()
      A convenience method to provide XML path as String[] to error element.
      java.lang.String getErrorCondition()
      Method parses the stanza and returns the error condition if there is any.
      JID getFrom()
      Returns the packet source address.
      JID getPacketFrom()
      Returns the packet internal source address.
      JID getPacketTo()
      Returns the packet internal destination address.
      Permissions getPermissions()
      Method returns permissions set of the user who has sent the packet.
      Priority getPriority()
      Method returns the packet priority.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getProcessorsIds()
      Method returns a set of all processor IDs which processed the packet.
      java.util.Optional<JID> getServerAuthorisedStanzaFrom()
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSkippedProcessorsIds()
      Method returns a set of all processor IDs which skipped processing packets.
      java.lang.String getStableId()  
      JID getStanzaFrom()
      Method returns source address of the stanza enclosed by this packet.
      java.lang.String getStanzaId()
      Method returns the stanza ID if set.
      JID getStanzaTo()
      Method returns destination address of the stanza enclosed by this packet.
      JID getTo()
      Returns the packet destination address.
      StanzaType getType()
      Method returns the stanza type parsed from the top XML element of the enclosed stanza.
      java.lang.String getXMLNS()
      Returns the enclosed stanza top element XMLNS.
      void initVars()
      The method allows for re-syncing/parsing stanza JIDs stored in the packet with the attributes of the stanza if they have been changed for any reason.
      void initVars​(JID stanzaFrom, JID stanzaTo)
      The method allows for re-syncing stanza JIDs stored in the packet with the attributes of the stanza if they have been changed for any reason.
      boolean isCommand()
      The method checks whether the stanza enclosed by this Packet instance is an ad-hoc command.
      boolean isElement​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String xmlns)
      The method checks whether the enclosed stanza is a specific XML element.
      boolean isRouted()
      Method determines whether the stanza represents so called routed packet.
      boolean isServiceDisco()
      A convenience method which checks whether the enclosed stanza is a service discovery query.
      boolean isXMLNSStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] elementPath, java.lang.String xmlns)
      The method checks whether the enclosed stanza contains an XML element and XML child element for a given element path and XMLNS.
      void notProcessedBy​(java.lang.String id)
      The method marks that the packet has NOT been processed by a packet processor with a given ID.
      Packet okResult​(java.lang.String includeXML, int originalXML)
      Method returns a modified copy of the Packet with its stanza as stanza result used for reporting IQ stanza results.
      Packet okResult​(Element includeXML, int originalXML)
      Method returns a modified copy of the Packet with its stanza as stanza result used for reporting IQ stanza results.
      static Packet packetInstance​(java.lang.String el_name, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, StanzaType type)
      The method creates XML stanza from given parameters and returns Packet instance for this XML stanza.
      static Packet packetInstance​(Element elem)
      The method returns Packet instance.
      static Packet packetInstance​(Element elem, JID stanzaFrom, JID stanzaTo)
      The method returns Packet instance.
      Packet packRouted()
      Returns a new Packet instance with stanza routed which means an original stanza has been enclosed inside a route XML element which contains additional information taken from Packet packet instance internal attributes.
      void processedBy​(java.lang.String id)
      The method marks that the packet has been processed by a packet processor with a given ID.
      void setPacketFrom​(JID from)
      The method sets a source address for the Packet instance.
      void setPacketTo​(JID to)
      The method sets a destination address for the Packet instance.
      void setPermissions​(Permissions perm)
      The method sets permissions for the packet of a user who sent the stanza.
      void setPriority​(Priority priority)
      The method sets the packet priority.
      void setServerAuthorisedStanzaFrom​(JID serverAuthorisedStanzaFrom)
      void setStableId​(java.lang.String stableId)  
      void setXMLNS​(java.lang.String xmlns)
      Method allows to set-force XMLNS for the element.
      Packet swapFromTo()
      Creates a new Packet instance with swapped packet source and destination addresses.
      Packet swapFromTo​(Element el, JID stanzaFrom, JID stanzaTo)
      The method creates a new instance of the Packet class with the packet source and destination addresses swapped and sets the given stanza element plus source and destination addresses for the new stanza.
      Packet swapStanzaFromTo()
      The method creates a new Packet instance with a stanza copy with swapped source and destination addresses.
      Packet swapStanzaFromTo​(StanzaType type)
      The method creates a new Packet instance with a stanza copy with swapped source and destination addresses and the given type set.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Provides human-readable string presentation of the Packet object.
      java.lang.String toString​(boolean secure)
      Is a convenience method which allows you to call always the same method but change (configure) whether you want to get a secure packet string representation or full representation.
      java.lang.String toStringFull()
      The method converts the Packet instance to a String representation.
      java.lang.String toStringSecure()
      The method returns a String representation of the packet with all CData content replaced with text: "CData size: NN".
      Packet unpackRouted()
      The method unpacks the original packet and stanza from route stanza.
      boolean wasProcessed()
      The method determines whether the packet has been processed by any of the packet processors.
      boolean wasProcessedBy​(java.lang.String id)
      The method checks whether the packet has been processed by a packet processor with the specified ID.
      boolean wasSkipped()
      The method determines whether the packet was directed to processing by any packet processor, but it wasn't processed by them because of internal queue full.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • FULL_DEBUG

        public static boolean FULL_DEBUG
        The variable control whether the toStringSecure() hides all the CData information from stanzas printed to logs or logs the full, detailed stanza content. By default the variable is set to 'false' to protect users' privacy and not reveal chat content. This is the value to be used in all production/live systems. For the debug purposes on the test or development system it can be set to 'true' to help diagnose run-time problems.
        You can change value of the field by setting system property: 'packet.debug.full' to 'true'.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Packet

        protected Packet​(Element elem)
                  throws TigaseStringprepException
        A constructor creating the Packet instance. This is not part of the public API, please use packetInstance(...) instead.
        elem - is XML element with a single XMPP stanza.
        TigaseStringprepException - exception is thrown if the stanza source or destination address stringprep processing failed.
      • Packet

        protected Packet​(Element elem,
                         JID stanzaFrom,
                         JID stanzaTo)
        A constructor creating the Packet instance. This is not part of the public API, please use packetInstance(...) instead.
        elem - is XML element with a single XMPP stanza.
        stanzaFrom - is a source JID address of the stanza passed as the constructor parameter.
        stanzaTo - is a destination JID address of the stanza passed as the constructor parameter.
    • Method Detail

      • elemToString

        public static java.lang.String elemToString​(Element el)
        Method trims Element stanza to 1024 characters and returns String representation of the element
        el - Element which should be converted
      • elemToStringSecure

        public static java.lang.String elemToStringSecure​(Element el)
        Method trims Element stanza to 1024 characters and returns String representation of the element. This version uses secure representation of CData of the elements.
        el - Element which should be converted
      • packetInstance

        public static Packet packetInstance​(Element elem)
                                     throws TigaseStringprepException
        The method returns Packet instance. More specifically it returns instance of one of the following classes: Iq, Message or Presence. It takes stanza XML element as an arguments, parses some the most commonly used data and created an object. Pre-parsed information are: stanza from/to addresses, stanza id, type and presets the Packet priority.
        If there is a stringprep processing error for either the stanza source or destination address TigaseStringprepException exception is thrown.
        elem - is a stanza XML Element
        a Packet instance, more specifically instance of one of the following classes: Iq, Message or Presence.
        TigaseStringprepException - if there is stanza from or to address parsing error.
      • packetInstance

        public static Packet packetInstance​(Element elem,
                                            JID stanzaFrom,
                                            JID stanzaTo)
        The method returns Packet instance. More specifically it returns instance of one of the following classes: Iq, Message or Presence. It takes stanza XML element as an arguments and pre-parsed stanza from and to addresses. The method parses some other, the most commonly used data and created an object. Pre-parsed information are: stanza id, type and presets the Packet priority.
        This method does not parses stanza from and stanza to address from the given XML document, hence it does not throw TigaseStringprepException. Even though reusing parsed from and to address is highly recommended an extra care is needed to pass correct parameters as stanza JIDs or the packet may be incorrectly routed or processed.
        elem - is the stanza XML Element
        stanzaFrom - is a pre-parsed JID instance from the given stanza XML element.
        stanzaTo - is a pre-parsed JID instance from the given stanza XML element.
        a Packet instance, more specifically instance of one of the following classes: Iq, Message or Presence.
      • packetInstance

        public static Packet packetInstance​(java.lang.String el_name,
                                            java.lang.String from,
                                            java.lang.String to,
                                            StanzaType type)
                                     throws TigaseStringprepException
        The method creates XML stanza from given parameters and returns Packet instance for this XML stanza. More specifically it returns instance of one of the following classes: Iq, Message or Presence.
        The method first builds an XML stanza from given parameters: element name, from and to addresses and stanza type, then it creates a Packet instance for the stanza. It also runs all the parsing and stringprep processing, hence it throws an exception if any error is found.
        el_name - XML stanza element name as String.
        from - is the stanza from address as String
        to - is the stanza to address as String.
        type - is one of the stanza types: set, get, result, .... as StanzaType instance.
        a Packet instance, more specifically instance of one of the following classes: Iq, Message or Presence.
        TigaseStringprepException - if there is stanza from or to address parsing error.
      • copyElementOnly

        public Packet copyElementOnly()
        copyElementOnly method creates a copy of the packet with stanza information copied only. The Packet specific information stays blank (NULL): (packetFrom, packetTo, etc...).
        This method should be used to obtain a copy of the packet without setting packet specific fields (packetFrom or packetTo). The method reuses preparsed stanza JIDs and does not throw any exception.
        a new copy of the packet with packet specific fields set to NULL.
      • debug

        public java.lang.String debug()
        Method returns a string representation of all the data enclosed by the Packet instance. All stanza XML element and all fields are converted to the String representation for debugging. Please note, this may be resources consuming process so use it only when experiencing problems with Packet content.
        String representation of the packet with all its fields.
      • errorResult

        public Packet errorResult​(java.lang.String errorType,
                                  java.lang.Integer errorCode,
                                  java.lang.String errorCondition,
                                  java.lang.String errorText,
                                  boolean includeOriginalXML)
        Method returns a modified copy of the Packet with its stanza as stanza error used for reporting errors. It is recommended not to use this method directly as there is a utility class which makes generating error responses much simpler. An example call (which uses this method underneath) looks like this example:
         import tigase.xmpp.Authorization;
         Authorization.BAD_REQUEST.getResponseMessage(packet, "Error message", true/false);
        This utility class and it's method acts not only as a convenience but also provides some additional checking and control.
        errorType - is a String representation of the error type defined in the XMPP RFC-3920.
        errorCode - is an integer error code defined in the XMPP RFC for backward compatibility with old Jabber implementations.
        errorCondition - is a String representation of the error condition defined in the XMPP RFC-3920.
        errorText - human readable error message.
        includeOriginalXML - a boolean parameter indicating whether stanza top element children should be included in the error message.
        a new Packet instance with an error type stanza which is a response to this Packet instance.
      • getElemChild

        public Element getElemChild​(java.lang.String name)
      • getElemChild

        public Element getElemChild​(java.lang.String name,
                                    java.lang.String xmlns)
      • getAttributeStaticStr

        public java.lang.String getAttributeStaticStr​(java.lang.String key)
        A convenience method for accessing stanza top element attributes. This call is equal to the call:
        key - is an attribute key.
        an attribute value or NULL if there is no such attribute.
      • getAttributeStaticStr

        public java.lang.String getAttributeStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] path,
                                                      java.lang.String key)
        A convenience method for accessing stanza top level or any of it's children attribute. This call is equal to the call:
         packet.getElement().getAttribute(xmlPath, key);
        Please note! This method can only be used with static strings or with strings processed through String.intern() call. It uses "==" for string comparison for performance reasons.
        path - is XML path for the stanza element or stanza child for which attribute is retrieved.
        key - is an attribute key.
        value of the requested attribute or NULL if the attribute is not set.
      • getCommand

        public Command getCommand()
        The method always returns NULL. It is overwritten in the Iq class where it returns a command identifier if the iq stanza represents an ad-hoc command. It is provided here is a convenience so the developer does not have to cast the packet to IQ before retrieving the command id.
        the method always returns a NULL.
      • getElemCDataStaticStr

        public java.lang.String getElemCDataStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] xmlPath)
        Method returns character data from the enclosed stanza for a given stanza element or child pointed by the xmlPath parameter. This call is equal to the call:
        Please note! This method can only be used with static strings or with strings processed through String.intern() call. It uses "==" for string comparison for performance reasons.
        xmlPath - is an XML path to the stanza element for which CData is retrieved.
        CData for a given element or NULL if the element does not exist or there is no CData for the element.
      • getElemCData

        public java.lang.String getElemCData()
        Method return character data for the stanza top element. This call is equal to the call:
        CData or from the stanza top element or NULL if there is no CData for the element.
      • getElemChildrenStaticStr

        public java.util.List<Element> getElemChildrenStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] xmlPath)
        Method returns a list of all XML children from the enclosed stanza for a given stanza element or child pointed by the xmlPath parameter. This call is equal to the call:
        Please note! This method can only be used with static strings or with strings processed through String.intern() call. It uses "==" for string comparison for performance reasons.
        xmlPath - is an XML path to the stanza element for which children are retrieved.
        children list for a given element or NULL if the element does not exist or there is no children for the element.
      • getElemName

        public java.lang.String getElemName()
        Convenience method for retrieving the stanza top element name. This call is equal to the call:
        the stanza top element name.
      • getElement

        public Element getElement()
        Method returns the stanza XML element in DOM format.
        the stanza XML element in DOM format.
      • getErrorCondition

        public java.lang.String getErrorCondition()
        Method parses the stanza and returns the error condition if there is any.
        parsed stanza error condition or NULL if there is not error condition.
      • getFrom

        public JID getFrom()
        Returns the packet source address. The method works as a following code:
         return (packetFrom != null) ? packetFrom : stanzaFrom;
        a JID instance of the packet source address or NULL if neither the packet source address is set nor the stanza source address is set.
      • getPacketFrom

        public JID getPacketFrom()
        Returns the packet internal source address.
        a JID instance of the packet internal source address or NULL if the packet internal source address has not been set
      • setPacketFrom

        public void setPacketFrom​(JID from)
        The method sets a source address for the Packet instance.
        from - is a JID instance of the packet new source address.
      • getPacketTo

        public JID getPacketTo()
        Returns the packet internal destination address.
        a JID instance of the packet internal destination address or NULL if the packet internal destination address has not been set.
      • setPacketTo

        public void setPacketTo​(JID to)
        The method sets a destination address for the Packet instance.
        to - is a JID instance of the packet new destination address.
      • getPermissions

        public Permissions getPermissions()
        Method returns permissions set of the user who has sent the packet. Some packets carry ad-hoc commands which can change server parameters, configuration or can contains other administration commands. Such commands are not executed if the packet sender does not have enough permissions.
        a sender permissions set.
      • setPermissions

        public void setPermissions​(Permissions perm)
        The method sets permissions for the packet of a user who sent the stanza.
        perm - is Permissions instance of the stanza sender permissions calculated by the session manager.
      • getPriority

        public Priority getPriority()
        Method returns the packet priority. For more details please refer to Priority enumeration.
        the packet priority.
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(Priority priority)
        The method sets the packet priority. Depending on the priority the packet is put to a queue with corresponding priority. This matter only on system which experience overload and some packets may be delivered with a delay if they are low priority packets.
        priority - is a new Priority instance set for the packet.
      • getProcessorsIds

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getProcessorsIds()
        Method returns a set of all processor IDs which processed the packet. Each session manager processor which handles the packet can mark the packet as processed. This is used internally by the session manager to detect packets which hasn't been processed by any processor, hence a default action is applied to the packet if possible.
        a Set of stanza processor IDs which handled the packet.
      • getServerAuthorisedStanzaFrom

        public java.util.Optional<JID> getServerAuthorisedStanzaFrom()
        Method returns JID from-address that was authenticated and bound to user session. This is a helper method that facilitates and improve maintaining correct stanza from when communicating between ClientConnectionManager and SessionManager. This is a temporary solution! In version 9.0, after reviewing the APIs and correcting clustering strategy packets incomming in (Client) Connection Managers should already have correct 'from' attribute in stanzas set in tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientConnectionManager#processSocketData(tigase.xmpp.XMPPIOService).
        Optional that may contain user JID if the session was already authorised.
      • setServerAuthorisedStanzaFrom

        public void setServerAuthorisedStanzaFrom​(JID serverAuthorisedStanzaFrom)
        Method used to set JID from-address that was authenticated and bound to user session. This is a helper method that facilitates and improve maintaining correct stanza from when communicating between ClientConnectionManager and SessionManager. This is a temporary solution! In version 9.0, after reviewing the APIs and correcting clustering strategy packets incomming in (Client) Connection Managers should already have correct 'from' attribute in stanzas set in tigase.server.xmppclient.ClientConnectionManager#processSocketData(tigase.xmpp.XMPPIOService).
        serverAuthorisedStanzaFrom -
      • getSkippedProcessorsIds

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSkippedProcessorsIds()
        Method returns a set of all processor IDs which skipped processing packets.
        a Set of stanza processor IDs which skipped the packet.
      • getStanzaFrom

        public JID getStanzaFrom()
        Method returns source address of the stanza enclosed by this packet.
        a JID instance of the stanza source address or NULL if the source address has not been set for the stanza.
      • getStableId

        public java.lang.String getStableId()
      • setStableId

        public void setStableId​(java.lang.String stableId)
      • getStanzaId

        public java.lang.String getStanzaId()
        Method returns the stanza ID if set.
        a String representation of the stanza ID or NULL if the ID has not been set for the stanza.
      • getStanzaTo

        public JID getStanzaTo()
        Method returns destination address of the stanza enclosed by this packet.
        a JID instance of the stanza destination address or NULL if the destination address has not been set for the stanza.
      • getTo

        public JID getTo()
        Returns the packet destination address. The method works as a following code:
         return (packetTo != null) ? packetTo : stanzaTo;
        a JID instance of the packet destination address or NULL if neither the packet destination address is set nor the stanza destination address is set.
      • getType

        public StanzaType getType()
        Method returns the stanza type parsed from the top XML element of the enclosed stanza.
        a StanzaType instance of the stanza type parsed from the top XML element of the enclosed stanza or NULL of the type has not been set.
      • getXMLNS

        public java.lang.String getXMLNS()
        Returns the enclosed stanza top element XMLNS. This call is equal to the call:
        a String instance of the stanza top element XMLNS.
      • setXMLNS

        public void setXMLNS​(java.lang.String xmlns)
        Method allows to set-force XMLNS for the element. This is mostly used in cases where there is no XMLNS provided for the element (by the client for example) and then a default one is used. However, in some contexts a default XMLNS might be confusing such as when the packet is passed between s2s to c2s connection and the default XMLNS changes.
        xmlns - a valid XMLNS string for the element.
      • initVars

        public void initVars​(JID stanzaFrom,
                             JID stanzaTo)
        The method allows for re-syncing stanza JIDs stored in the packet with the attributes of the stanza if they have been changed for any reason. Method mostly used internally only. Normally stanza carried by this Packet instance must not be changed, however there are rare occasions when it has to be changed. RFC requires that the server adds missing 'from' attribute to every packet sent by the user. It would be highly inefficient to create a new instance of the data just to add the missing from address. In such a case SM adds missing attribute but then stanza preparsed JIDs stored in the packet are out of sync with the enclosed stanza. This method allows for setting correct stanza JIDs for the packet fields without a need to reparse the stanza.
        stanzaFrom - is a parsed source address JID from the stanza enclosed by this packet.
        stanzaTo - is a parsed destination address JID from the stanza enclosed by this packet.
      • initVars

        public void initVars()
                      throws TigaseStringprepException
        The method allows for re-syncing/parsing stanza JIDs stored in the packet with the attributes of the stanza if they have been changed for any reason. Method mostly used internally only. Normally stanza carried by this Packet instance must not be changed, however there are rare occasions when it is needed. RFC requires that the server adds missing 'from' attribute to every packet sent by the user. It would be highly inefficient to create a new instance of the data just to add the missing from address. In such a case SM adds missing attribute but then stanza pre-parsed JIDs stored in the packet are out of sync with the enclosed stanza. This method causes stanza JIDs re-parsing and setting the packet variables.
        TigaseStringprepException - if the stringprep error occurs during the stanza JIDs parsing.
      • isCommand

        public boolean isCommand()
        The method checks whether the stanza enclosed by this Packet instance is an ad-hoc command. This is a generic method which in fact always returns false. It is overwritten in the Iq class where the real checking is performed. This class has been provided as a convenience method to perform the check without a need for casting the Packet instance to the Iq class.
        a boolean value true if the stanza is an ad-hoc command and false otherwise.
      • isElement

        public boolean isElement​(java.lang.String name,
                                 java.lang.String xmlns)
        The method checks whether the enclosed stanza is a specific XML element. That is, it checks whether the stanza element name and XMLNS is exactly the same as given parameters. This is a convenience method which logic is equal to the code below: return packet.getElement().getName() == name && packet.getElement().getXMLNS() == xmlns;
        name - is a String representing the XML element name.
        xmlns - is a String representing the XML xmlns value.
        true if stanza element name and XMLNS is exactly the same as given parameters, false otherwise.
      • isRouted

        public boolean isRouted()
        Method determines whether the stanza represents so called routed packet. A routed packet is a packet created by a component responsible for Communication with external components. In certain work mode it can send over the link the whole packet information with all internal states and addresses. Such a packet also encloses original stanza with all it's attributes.
        a boolean value of true if the packet is routed and false otherwise.
      • isServiceDisco

        public boolean isServiceDisco()
        A convenience method which checks whether the enclosed stanza is a service discovery query. This is a generic method which in fact always returns false. It is overwritten in the Iq class where the real checking is performed. This class has been provided as a convenience method to perform the check without a need for casting the Packet instance to the Iq class.
        a boolean value true if the stanza is a a service discovery query and false otherwise.
      • isXMLNSStaticStr

        public boolean isXMLNSStaticStr​(java.lang.String[] elementPath,
                                        java.lang.String xmlns)
        The method checks whether the enclosed stanza contains an XML element and XML child element for a given element path and XMLNS. The elementPath is directory path like string. Please note! This method can only be used with static strings or with strings processed through String.intern() call. It uses "==" for string comparison for performance reasons.
        elementPath - is a String[] value which represents XML element path to a desired child element.
        xmlns - is a String value which represents XML XMLNS.
        a true is element given in parameters is found in the packet stanza, otherwise false
      • notProcessedBy

        public void notProcessedBy​(java.lang.String id)
        The method marks that the packet has NOT been processed by a packet processor with a given ID.
        id - is a String instance of the packet processer identifier.
      • okResult

        public Packet okResult​(java.lang.String includeXML,
                               int originalXML)
        Method returns a modified copy of the Packet with its stanza as stanza result used for reporting IQ stanza results. The method preserves all the attributes of the original stanza, swaps stanza source and destination addresses and can optionally add more child XML elements and can preserve existing children elements up to given depth.
        includeXML - is an XML content serialized to String or just character data as String which has to be added to response stanza.
        originalXML - parameter specified whether and if so to what depth the original stanza child elements have to be preserved in the response packet.
        a new Packet instance with an OK (result) type stanza which is a response to this Packet instance.
      • okResult

        public Packet okResult​(Element includeXML,
                               int originalXML)
        Method returns a modified copy of the Packet with its stanza as stanza result used for reporting IQ stanza results. The method preserves all the attributes of the original stanza, swaps stanza source and destination addresses and can optionally add more child XML elements and can preserve existing children elements up to given depth.
        includeXML - is an XML content which has to be added to the response stanza.
        originalXML - parameter specified whether and if so to what depth the original stanza child elements have to be preserved in the response packet.
        a new Packet instance with an OK (result) type stanza which is a response to this Packet instance.
      • packRouted

        public Packet packRouted()
        Returns a new Packet instance with stanza routed which means an original stanza has been enclosed inside a route XML element which contains additional information taken from Packet packet instance internal attributes.
        a new Packet instance with route stanza.
      • processedBy

        public void processedBy​(java.lang.String id)
        The method marks that the packet has been processed by a packet processor with a given ID.
        id - is a String instance of the packet processer identifier.
      • swapFromTo

        public Packet swapFromTo​(Element el,
                                 JID stanzaFrom,
                                 JID stanzaTo)
        The method creates a new instance of the Packet class with the packet source and destination addresses swapped and sets the given stanza element plus source and destination addresses for the new stanza. This method gives you slightly more flexibility as you can set any source and destination address for the new stanza. This method is rarely used in packet processors which don't sent a simple "ok result" response. Some data flow requires a completely new packet to be send as a response to the original call, but the response has to be delivered to the original sends. As an example are the SASL authentication and TLS handshaking.
        el - is an XML element set for the new packet.
        stanzaFrom - is the stanza source address
        stanzaTo - is the stanza destination address
        a new Packet instance.
      • swapFromTo

        public Packet swapFromTo()
        Creates a new Packet instance with swapped packet source and destination addresses. Please note the new packet contains unchanged copy of the original stanza. Stanza source and destination addresses are no swapped.
        a new Packet instance.
      • swapStanzaFromTo

        public Packet swapStanzaFromTo()
        The method creates a new Packet instance with a stanza copy with swapped source and destination addresses. The packet source and destination addresses are set to null.
        a new Packet instance.
      • swapStanzaFromTo

        public Packet swapStanzaFromTo​(StanzaType type)
        The method creates a new Packet instance with a stanza copy with swapped source and destination addresses and the given type set. The packet source and destination addresses are set to null.
        type - is a new type for the stanza copy to set.
        a new Packet instance.
      • toStringFull

        public java.lang.String toStringFull()
        The method converts the Packet instance to a String representation. The stanza XML element is presented as the string and all packet attributes are also added to the string. The method is for a debugging purposes to log the whole packet content to the debug file for further analysis. It is recommended to use toStringSecure() instead as it removes all the CData from the stanza avoiding exposing user chat message content. The secure method also preserves you from flooding your log files in case of a huge chunks of data are sent in packets (user photos in vCards or files).
        a String representation of the packet instance.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Provides human-readable string presentation of the Packet object. It is not a XMPP stanza only, it also contains some Tigase specific meta-data.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        human-readable string presentation of the Packet object.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean secure)
        Is a convenience method which allows you to call always the same method but change (configure) whether you want to get a secure packet string representation or full representation.
        secure - parameter specifies whether the secure packet representation should be returned (true value) or the full one (false).
        a String representation of the packet instance.
      • toStringSecure

        public java.lang.String toStringSecure()
        The method returns a String representation of the packet with all CData content replaced with text: "CData size: NN". This is a preferable method to log the packets for debuging purposes.
        a String representation of the packet instance.
      • unpackRouted

        public Packet unpackRouted()
                            throws TigaseStringprepException
        The method unpacks the original packet and stanza from route stanza. This is the opposite action to the packRouted() method.
        a new instance of the Packet class with unpacket packet and stanza from route stanza.
        TigaseStringprepException - if there was a problem with addresses stringprep processing.
      • wasProcessed

        public boolean wasProcessed()
        The method determines whether the packet has been processed by any of the packet processors. In fact it says whether there has been called method processedBy(...) on the packet.
        a boolean value of true of the packet was processed by any processor and false otherwise.
      • wasSkipped

        public boolean wasSkipped()
        The method determines whether the packet was directed to processing by any packet processor, but it wasn't processed by them because of internal queue full.
        true if packet was skipped by any processor.
      • wasProcessedBy

        public boolean wasProcessedBy​(java.lang.String id)
        The method checks whether the packet has been processed by a packet processor with the specified ID.
        id - is a String instance of the packet processor identifier.
        a boolean value of true of the packet was processed by a processor with specified ID and false otherwise.
      • getElNameErrorPath

        protected java.lang.String[] getElNameErrorPath()
        A convenience method to provide XML path as String[] to error element. This method should be override by all classes extending this class.
        XML path to error element.