Class PresenceAbstract

    • Constructor Detail

      • PresenceAbstract

        public PresenceAbstract()
    • Method Detail

      • forwardPresence

        protected static void forwardPresence​(java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                              Packet packet,
                                              JID from)
        Simply forwards packet to the destination
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        packet - to forward
        from - is a JID instance with stanza source address.
      • getRosterUtil

        protected static RosterAbstract getRosterUtil()
        Returns shared instance of class implementing RosterAbstract - either default one (RosterFlat) or the one configured with "roster-implementation" property.
        shared instance of class implementing RosterAbstract
      • requiresPresenceSending

        protected static boolean requiresPresenceSending​(RosterAbstract roster,
                                                         JID buddy,
                                                         XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                                         boolean systemCheck)
                                                  throws NotAuthorizedException,
        Method checks whether a given contact requires sending presence. In case of enabling option skipOffline and user being offline in the roster the presence is not sent. Alternatively enabling option skipOfflineSys would cause local environment check for user status and omit sending presence if the local use is offline.
        roster - instance of class implementing RosterAbstract.
        buddy - JID of a contact for which a check is to be performed.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        systemCheck - indicates whether the check should be only based on local environment state (true) or rooster state of given user should also be taken into consideration (false).
        {code true} if the contact requires sending presence (e.g. is not online and options skipOffline or skipOfflineSys are enabled)
      • sendPresence

        public static Packet sendPresence​(StanzaType t,
                                          JID from,
                                          JID to,
                                          java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                          Element pres)
        Sends Presence stanza from provided parameters as well as returns created result Packet object. In case of missing pres parameter a Presence stanza will be created with provided StanzaType type t, JID type from and JID type to. Otherwise Presence stanza pres will be cloned and to attribute will be set from parameter to.
        t - specifies type of the presence to be send.
        from - is a JID instance with stanza source address.
        to - is a JID instance with stanza destination address.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        pres - an Object of type Element holding Presence stanza to be sent.
        an instance of Packet holding Presence stanza created from provided parameters.
      • sendPresence

        public static void sendPresence​(StanzaType t,
                                        BareJID from,
                                        BareJID to,
                                        java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                        Element pres)
        Sends Presence stanza from provided parameters without returning created result Packet object. In case of missing pres parameter a Presence stanza will be created with provided StanzaType type t, JID type from and JID type to. Otherwise Presence stanza pres will be cloned and to attribute will be set from parameter to.
        t - specifies type of the presence to be send.
        from - is a JID instance with stanza source address.
        to - is a JID instance with stanza destination address.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        pres - an Object of type Element holding Presence stanza to be sent.
      • updatePresenceChange

        public static void updatePresenceChange​(Packet presence,
                                                XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                                java.util.Queue<Packet> results)
                                         throws NotAuthorizedException
        updatePresenceChange method is used to broadcast to all active resources presence stanza received from other users, like incoming availability presence, subscription presence and so on... Initial presences are however sent only to those resources which already have sent initial presence.
        presence - an Element presence received from other users, we have to change 'to' attribute to full resource JID.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        NotAuthorizedException - if an error occurs
      • updateUserResources

        public static void updateUserResources​(Element presence,
                                               XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                               java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                               boolean initial)
                                        throws NotAuthorizedException
        updateUserResources method is used to broadcast to all other resources presence stanza from one user resource. So if new resource connects this method updates presence information about new resource to old resources and about old resources to new resource.
        presence - an Element presence received from other users, we have to change 'to' attribute to full resource JID.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        initial - specifies whether this is an initial presence or not (i.e. if there is a presence data from the presence stored within user session object or not)
        NotAuthorizedException - if an error occurs
      • isSkipOfflineSys

        public boolean isSkipOfflineSys()
      • setSkipOfflineSys

        public void setSkipOfflineSys​(boolean skipOfflineSys)
      • isSkipOffline

        public boolean isSkipOffline()
      • setSkipOffline

        public void setSkipOffline​(boolean skipOffline)
      • getProbeFullJID

        public boolean getProbeFullJID()
      • setProbeFullJID

        public void setProbeFullJID​(boolean probeFullJID)
      • broadcastProbe

        public void broadcastProbe​(XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                   java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings)
                            throws NotAuthorizedException,
        sendPresenceBroadcast method broadcasts given presence to all buddies from roster and to all users to which direct presence was sent. Before sending presence method calls requiresPresenceSending(), configured to only check local environment status (if enabled) to verify whether presence needs to be sent.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration.
        NotAuthorizedException - if an error occurs
      • concurrentQueuesNo

        public int concurrentQueuesNo()
        Description copied from interface: XMPPImplIfc
        Methods returns a preferable number of threads/packets queues for the plugin. This number can be overwritten through configuration settings, however, a default value should be reasonably good for most standard installations. It is recommended to assign at least as much as twice a number of CPUs cores for I/O bound processing and number a number equal to CPUs cores for fast processing not slowed down by any I/O.
        Specified by:
        concurrentQueuesNo in interface XMPPImplIfc
        concurrentQueuesNo in class XMPPProcessor
        an integer preferred number of processing threads for the plugin.