Class PresenceState

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DIRECT_PRESENCE
        DIRECT_PRESENCE is a key in temporary session data for the collection of JIDs where direct presence was sent. To all these addresses unavailable presence must be sent when user disconnects.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ENABLE_ROSTER_LAZY_LOADING_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EXTENDED_PRESENCE_PROCESSORS_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OFFLINE_BUD_SENT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OFFLINE_RES_SENT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OFFLINE_ROSTER_LAST_SEEN_PROP_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PRESENCE_GLOBAL_FORWARD
        key allowing setting global forwarding JID address.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static int HIGH_PRIORITY_PRESENCES_NO
    • Constructor Detail

      • PresenceState

        public PresenceState()
    • Method Detail

      • addDirectPresenceJID

        public static void addDirectPresenceJID​(JID jid,
                                                XMPPResourceConnection session)
        Add JID to collection of JIDs to which direct presence was sent. To all these addresses unavailable presence must be sent when user disconnects.
        jid - to which direct presence was sent.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
      • broadcastDirectPresences

        protected static void broadcastDirectPresences​(StanzaType t,
                                                       XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                                       java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                                       Element pres)
                                                throws NotAuthorizedException,
        broadcastDirectPresences broadcast a direct Presence from provided pres Element object to the collection of JIDs stored in temporary session data under key DIRECT_PRESENCE.
        t - specifies type of the presence to be send.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        pres - an Object of type Element holding Presence stanza to be sent.
      • broadcastOffline

        public static void broadcastOffline​(XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                            java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings,
                                            RosterAbstract roster_util)
                                     throws NotAuthorizedException,
        sendPresenceBroadcast method broadcasts given presence to all buddies from roster and to all users to which direct presence was sent.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration.
        roster_util - instance of class implementing RosterAbstract.
        NotAuthorizedException - if an error occurs
      • removeDirectPresenceJID

        public static void removeDirectPresenceJID​(JID jid,
                                                   XMPPResourceConnection session)
        Remove JID from collection of JIDs to which direct presence was sent.
        jid - to which direct presence was sent.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
      • sendPresenceBroadcast

        public static void sendPresenceBroadcast​(StanzaType t,
                                                 XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                                 java.util.EnumSet<RosterAbstract.SubscriptionType> subscrs,
                                                 java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                                 Element pres,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings,
                                                 RosterAbstract roster_util)
                                          throws NotAuthorizedException,
        sendPresenceBroadcast method broadcasts given presence to all buddies from roster and to all users to which direct presence was sent. Before sending presence method calls requiresPresenceSending() performing, if configured, both system and roster check to verify whether presence needs to be sent.
        t - specifies type of the presence to be send.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        subscrs - an EnumSet<SubscriptionType> holding all RosterAbstract.SubscriptionType to which a Presence should be broadcast.
        pres - an Object of type Element holding Presence stanza to be sent.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration.
        roster_util - instance of class implementing RosterAbstract.
        NotAuthorizedException - if an error occurs
      • updateOfflineChange

        protected static void updateOfflineChange​(XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                                  java.util.Queue<Packet> results)
                                           throws NotAuthorizedException
        updateOfflineChange method broadcast off-line presence to all other user active resources.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        NotAuthorizedException - if an error occurs
      • supTypes

        public java.util.Set<StanzaType> supTypes()
        Description copied from interface: XMPPImplIfc
        Method returns an array of all stanza types which the plugin is able to handle. If the method returns NULL, then all stanzas of all types will be passed to the plugin for processing. Otherwise only stanzas with selected types, assuming that element names and name-spaces match as well.
        Specified by:
        supTypes in interface XMPPImplIfc
        supTypes in class AnnotatedXMPPProcessor
        a StanzaType[] array of supported stanza types.
      • process

        public void process​(Packet packet,
                            XMPPResourceConnection session,
                            NonAuthUserRepository repo,
                            java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings)
                     throws XMPPException

        Performs processing of presence packets and calls different methods for particular RosterAbstract.PresenceType
        Specified by:
        process in interface XMPPProcessorIfc
        packet - packet is which being processed. This parameter may never be null. Even though this is not immutable object it mustn't be altered. None of it's fields or attributes can be changed during processing.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data. It allows for storing information in a permanent storage or in memory only during the live of the online session. This parameter can be null if there is no online user session at the time of the packet processing.
        repo - this is a user data storage which is normally used when the user session (parameter above) is null. This is repository allows for a very restricted access only. It allows for storing some user private data (doesn't allow overwriting existing data) like messages for offline users and it also allows for reading user public data like VCard.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results. Regardless a response to a user request is sent or the packet is forwarded to it's destination it is always required that a copy of the input packet is created and stored in the results queue.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration. In most cases it is unused, however if the plugin needs to access an external database that this is a way to pass database connection string to the plugin.
      • stopped

        public void stopped​(XMPPResourceConnection session,
                            java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings)
        Description copied from interface: XMPPStopListenerIfc
        Performs additional processing upon closing user session (user either disconnects or logs-out).
        Specified by:
        stopped in interface XMPPStopListenerIfc
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data. It allows for storing information in a permanent storage or in memory only during the live of the online session. This parameter can be null if there is no online user session at the time of the packet processing.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results. Regardless a response to a user request is sent or the packet is forwarded to it's destination it is always required that a copy of the input packet is created and stored in the results queue.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration. In most cases it is unused, however if the plugin needs to access an external database that this is a way to pass database connection string to the plugin.
      • getStatistics

        public void getStatistics​(StatisticsList list)
        Description copied from interface: XMPPImplIfc
        The method allows to retrieve plugin own statistics if it generates any.
        Specified by:
        getStatistics in interface XMPPImplIfc
        getStatistics in class XMPPProcessor
        list - is a statistics collection to which plugins own metrics can be added.
      • processInInitial

        protected void processInInitial​(Packet packet,
                                        XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                        java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings,
                                        RosterAbstract.PresenceType presenceType)
                                 throws NoConnectionIdException,
        Method is responsible for processing incoming initial presence (i.e. in the receivers session manager).
        It validates the packet (whether from is present or if it's a direct presence to existing resource) and subsequently set received presence for the contact that sent it.
        packet - packet is which being processed.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration.
        presenceType - specifies type of the presence.
      • processInProbe

        protected void processInProbe​(Packet packet,
                                      XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                      java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings,
                                      RosterAbstract.PresenceType presenceType)
                               throws NotAuthorizedException,
        Method is responsible for processing incoming presence probe (i.e. in the receivers session manager).
        It validates whether the packet comes from a contact that has correct subscription and responds with presence of all user's resources presences.
        packet - packet is which being processed.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration.
        presenceType - specifies type of the presence.
      • processOutInitial

        protected void processOutInitial​(Packet packet,
                                         XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                         java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> settings,
                                         RosterAbstract.PresenceType type)
                                  throws NotAuthorizedException,
        Method is responsible for processing outgoing initial presence (i.e. in the sender session manager).
        Process packet accordingly whether it's a direct presence (forward it, add to proper collection of JIDs to which a direct presence has been sent) or regular presence. THe latter causes properly address the packet, store presence within session data for subsequent use, and for the first availability presence (in case there is no prior presence stored in user session data) server sends probes to all contacts and pushes out all pending subscription request or (if there i already presence stored in session data) broadcast presence update to contacts.
        If there is a JID forwarding set up, presence is also forwarded to configured JID.
        packet - packet is which being processed.
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        settings - this map keeps plugin specific settings loaded from the Tigase server configuration.
        type - specifies type of the presence.
      • buddyOnline

        protected void buddyOnline​(XMPPResourceConnection session,
                                   JID buddy,
                                   java.util.Queue<Packet> results,
                                   boolean online)
                            throws NotAuthorizedException,
        Method sends back presence to contact while it becomes online (i.e. during processing of incoming initial presence of the contact/buddy)
        session - user session which keeps all the user session data and also gives an access to the user's repository data.
        buddy - JID of a roster element for which an online state will be set
        results - this a collection with packets which have been generated as input packet processing results.
        online - set whether given contact is online or offline