Registering for a New Account

The application supports creating a new account registration using in-band registration. This means that on servers supporting it, you can sign up for a new account straight from the client! A list of servers that support this is located here. We have provided quick-links to Tigase maintained servers where you can register an account. However, you may use another domain if you wish. If you wish to use a custom domain, enter the domain address in the top bar, the application will then check with the server to ensure registration is supported.

You will be presented with an error message if it is not supported.


If registration is supported, you will see the following prompts:


Fill out the fields for username, password, and E-mail. You do not need to add the domain to your username, it will be added for you so your JID will look like

An E-mail is required in case a server administrator needs to get in contact with you, or you lose your password and might need recovery.

Once you tap Register, the application will connect and register your account with the server.