
Description: Container specifying repository URIs. This container replaces the old auth-db-uri and user-db-uri property types.

Default value:

dataSource {
    default () {
        uri = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/tigasedb?user=tigase&password=tigase12'

Once your configuration is setup, you will see the uri of your user database here. If other databases need to be defined, they will be listed in the same dataSource bean.


dataSource {
    default () {
        uri = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/tigasedb?user=tigase&password=tigase12'
    'default-auth' () {
        uri = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/tigasedbath?user=tigase&password=tigase12'

Possible values: Broken down list of customized names for DB URIs. Each name must have a defined uri property. DB name can be customized by the bean name.


URI name may be used as shorthand to define DB location URI in other containers, so be sure to name them uniquely.


default () URI setting replaces the user-db-uri as well as the auth-repo-uri property.