
If you have a third party system which keeps and manages all user information than you probably have your own UserRepository implementation which allows the Tigase server to access user data. Filtering rules are loaded from user repository using following command:

repo.getData(user_id, null, DomainFilter.ALLOWED_DOMAINS_KEY, null);
repo.getData(user_id, null, DomainFilter.ALLOWED_DOMAINS_LIST_KEY, null);

Where user_id is user Jabber ID without resource part, DomainFilter.ALLOWED_DOMAINS_KEY is a property key: allowed-domains. The user repository MUST return one of following only:

  1. ALL - if the user is allowed to communicate with anybody
  2. LOCAL - if the user is allowed to communicate with users on the same server installation.
  3. OWN - if the user is allowed to communicate with users within his own domain only.
  4. LIST - list of domains within which the user is allowed to communicate with other users. No wild-cards are supported. User’s own domain should be included too.
  5. BLACKLIST - list of domains within which the user is NOT allowed to communicate with other users. No wild-cards are supported. User’s own domain should NOT be included.
  6. CUSTOM - list of rules defining custom communication permissions (server processes stanza according to first matched rule, similar to XEP-0016) in the following format:
ruleSet = rule1;rule2;ruleX;

rule = order_number|policy|UID_type[|UID]

order_number = any integer;
policy = (allow|deny);
UID_type = [jid|domain|all];
UID = user JID or domain, for example; if UID_type is ALL then this is ignored.

For example:

  1. null - a java null if there are no settings for the user.

In case of LIST and BLACKLIST filtering options, it’s essential to provide list of domains for the whitelisting/blacklisting. DomainFilter.ALLOWED_DOMAINS_LIST_KEY is a property key: "allowed-domains-list". The user repository MUST return semicolon separated list of domains:;,

The filtering is performed by the tigase.xmpp.impl.DomainFilter plugin. Please refer to source code for more implementation details.