Install Database

Creating the database is the next step. Previously, we had scripts to handle this process, but we now have the advantage of functions in the script that can be used. Setting up the database can now be done using a single command.

./scripts/ install-schema etc/tigase.conf -T derby -D tigasedb -H localhost -U tigase_user -P tigase_pass -R root -A rootpass -J -N pass

This command will install tigase using a Derby database on one named tigasedb hosted on localhost. The username and password editing the database is tigase_pass and root. Note that -J explicitly adds the administrator, this is highly recommended with the -N passing the password. You may customize this command as needed, refer to the install-schema section of the documentation for more information.

On a windows system, you need to call the program directly:

C:\tigase>java -cp "jars/*" tigase.db.util.SchemaManager "install-schema" -T derby -D tigasedb -H localhost -U tigase_user -P tigase_pass -R root -A rootpass -J -N pass

If this successfully passes, you should see some information printed out

LogLevel: CONFIG
2017-10-12 20:05:47.987 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.init()                   CONFIG:   Parameters: [ingoreMissingFiles: false, logLevel: CONFIG, adminPassword: pass, admins: [], dbRootPass: rootpass, dbRootUser: root, dbType: derby, dbName: tigasedbx, dbHostname: localhost, dbUser: tigase_user, dbPass: tigase_pass, useSSL: false, useLegacyDatetimeCode: false, serverTimezone: null, file: null, query: null]
Oct 12, 2017 8:05:48 PM tigase.util.DNSResolverDefault <init>
WARNING: Resolving default host name: ubuntu took: 7
Oct 12, 2017 8:05:49 PM tigase.db.util.SchemaManager loadSchemas
INFO: found 1 data sources to upgrade...
Oct 12, 2017 8:05:49 PM tigase.db.util.SchemaManager loadSchemas
INFO: begining upgrade...
LogLevel: CONFIG
2017-10-12 20:05:49.877 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.init()                   CONFIG:   Parameters: [ingoreMissingFiles: false, logLevel: CONFIG, adminPassword: pass, admins: [], dbRootPass: rootpass, dbRootUser: root, dbType: derby, dbName: tigasedbx, dbHostname: null, dbUser: null, dbPass: null, useSSL: null, useLegacyDatetimeCode: false, serverTimezone: null, file: null, query: null]
2017-10-12 20:05:49.877 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.validateDBConnection()   INFO:     Validating DBConnection, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:50.932 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.validateDBConnection()   CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:50.932 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.validateDBConnection()   INFO:     Connection OK
2017-10-12 20:05:50.933 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.validateDBExists()       INFO:     Validating whether DB Exists, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:50.936 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:50.937 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$validateDBExists$283()  INFO: Exists OK
2017-10-12 20:05:50.939 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.loadSchemaFile()         INFO:     Loading schema from file(s): database/derby-schema-7-2.sql, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:50.941 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:51.923 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$loadSchemaFile$287()  INFO:  completed OK
2017-10-12 20:05:51.925 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.loadSchemaFile()         INFO:     Loading schema from file(s): database/derby-message-archiving-schema-1.3.0.sql, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:51.926 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:52.209 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$loadSchemaFile$287()  INFO:  completed OK
2017-10-12 20:05:52.210 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.loadSchemaFile()         INFO:     Loading schema from file(s): database/derby-muc-schema-2.5.0.sql, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:52.211 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:52.305 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$loadSchemaFile$287()  INFO:  completed OK
2017-10-12 20:05:52.306 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.loadSchemaFile()         INFO:     Loading schema from file(s): database/derby-pubsub-schema-3.3.0.sql, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:52.307 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:52.731 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$loadSchemaFile$287()  INFO:  completed OK
2017-10-12 20:05:52.732 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.addXmppAdminAccount()    INFO:     Adding XMPP Admin Account, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:52.732 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.addXmppAdminAccount()    CONFIG:   RepositoryFactory.getAuthRepository(null, jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true,{data-repo-pool-size=1})
Oct 12, 2017 8:05:52 PM tigase.db.jdbc.DataRepositoryImpl initialize
INFO: Table schema found: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true, database type: derby, database driver: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
Oct 12, 2017 8:05:52 PM tigase.db.jdbc.DataRepositoryImpl initialize
INFO: Initialized database connection: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:52.884 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.addXmppAdminAccount()    INFO:     All users added
2017-10-12 20:05:52.884 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.postInstallation()       INFO:     Post Installation, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:52.891 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         CONFIG:   DriverManager (available drivers): [org.apache.derby.jdbc.AutoloadedDriver@65262308, jTDS 1.3.1, com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@54997f67, com.mysql.fabric.jdbc.FabricMySQLDriver@189633f2, org.postgresql.Driver@76fc5687]
2017-10-12 20:05:52.892 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$postInstallation$286()  INFO: Finalizing...
2017-10-12 20:05:52.893 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.lambda$postInstallation$286()  INFO:  completed OK
2017-10-12 20:05:52.895 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.shutdownDerby()          INFO:     Validating DBConnection, URI: jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
2017-10-12 20:05:53.129 [main]             DBSchemaLoader.withConnection()         SEVERE:

Failure: Database 'tigasedbx' shutdown.

Oct 12, 2017 8:05:53 PM tigase.db.util.SchemaManager loadSchemas
INFO: schema upgrade finished!

  	Schema installation finished

  Data source: default with uri jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true
  	Checking connection to database	ok
  	Checking if database exists	ok
  	Loading schema: Tigase XMPP Server (Core), version: 8.0.0	ok
  	Loading schema: Tigase Message Archiving Component, version: 1.3.0	ok
  	Loading schema: Tigase MUC Component, version: 2.5.0	ok
  	Loading schema: Tigase PubSub Component, version: 3.3.0	ok
  	Adding XMPP admin accounts	ok
  	Post installation action	ok

  Example etc/config.tdsl configuration file:

  'config-type' = 'default'
  debug = [ 'server' ]
  'virtual-hosts' = [ 'ubuntu' ]
  dataSource () {
      default () {
          uri = 'jdbc:derby:tigasedbx;create=true'
  amp () {}
  bosh () {}
  c2s () {}
  eventbus () {}
  http () {}
  'message-archive' () {}
  monitor () {}
  muc () {}
  pubsub () {}
  s2s () {}
  ws2s () {}

Note at the end, the script will output a recommended example file. You may use this in conjunction with your written config file, but some settings may not be set using this configuration. Again, it is only an EXAMPLE.