Available Tasks

Eventbus monitoring has several pre-defined tasks that can be monitored and set to trigger. What follows is the list of tasks with the options attributed to each task.

  • disk-task - Used to check disk usage. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. threshold - Percentage of used space on disk, Float value.
  • cpu-temp-task - Used to check CPU temperature. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. cpuTempThreshold - Temperature threshold of CPU in °C.
  • load-checker-task - Used to check system load. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. averageLoadThreshold - Average percent load threshold, Long value.
  • memory-checker-task - Used to check memory usage. Available Options

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check, Integer value.
    3. maxHeapMemUsagePercentThreshold - Alarm when percent of used Heap memory is larger than, Integer value.
    4. maxNonHeapMemUsagePercentThreshold - Alarm when percent of used Non Heap memory is larger than, Integer value.
  • logger-task - Used to transmit log entries depending on level entered.

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. levelThreshold - Minimal log level that will be the threshold. Possible values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, and ALL.
  • connections-task - Used to check users disconnections. NOTE: The event will be generated only if both thresholds (amount and percentage) will be fulfilled.

    1. enabled - Enable or disable task, Boolean value.
    2. period - Period of running check in ms, Integer value.
    3. thresholdMinimal - Minimal amount of disconnected users required to generate alarm.
    4. threshold - Minimal percent of disconnected users required to generate alarm.